HCG Diet Food List: The Best Foods for the HCG Diet

HCG diet food list

When it comes to diets, it doesn’t get much more extreme or effective than the HCG diet. It’s a consistently popular diet for those looking to lose weight and get healthy fast. Like any diet, though, it can seem very restricting to new-comers.

As long as you follow those phases, you’re going to be very happy with the results.

If you’re starting your HCG journey, here’s an HCG diet food list of the best things you can still eat.

1. Beverages

One key step to the HCG diet is avoiding solid food before lunch. That means it’s coffee or tea for breakfast, and no sugar. You can use calorie-free sweeteners, or go black.

If you want, you can put some milk in there, but be cautious. You can only have one tablespoon of milk every 24 hours on the HCG diet. If you’re comfortable blowing that on coffee or tea, then go ahead.

As far as the rest of the day goes, you can only have water, coffee, or tea. You should try to drink at least 2-liters per day of water. Also, no alcohol whatsoever.

2. The Meats

You can still eat plenty of meat on the HCG diet, you just have to watch your intake.

HCG-friendly meats include chicken breast, veal, lobster, crab, shrimp, and white fish. On the other hand, you want to avoid high-fat meats like salmon, eel, bacon, and herring. If you see fat on a cut of meat you want to enjoy, you should make sure to cut it off before indulging.

3. Vegetables

You can have one low-cal low-carb veggie with lunch and dinner.

Low-calorie vegetables include tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, beets, and asparagus. These have to be eaten without garnishing like butter or sauce. Otherwise, prepare them however you like.

The best option is something high in vitamins and nutrients, like spinach.

4. Carbohydrates

You don’t have a lot of freedom when it comes to the HCG diet and carbs.

On the HCG diet you can have a single piece of Melba toast or breadstick with your lunch or dinner. You can also have some strawberries, an apple, or an orange. Otherwise, bread and carb-heavy foods are a big no-no.

5. What Not to Eat

There’s no wiggle room in the HCG diet. If you want it to work right, you need to eat only what’s allowed. It’s easiest to figure out a schedule and follow it day-to-day.

It may be tempting, but you have to avoid foods like pasta, bread, chocolate, and cookies. You should also avoid pears, okra, and other “healthy” food that are high in fat and sugars. That also includes nuts and potatoes.

On the plus side, you can go wild with seasonings. Use all the salt, vinegar, mustard, or parsley you want. Just don’t use oily dressings and butter.

Following the HCG Diet Food List

The HCG diet food list may seem restrictive, but it’s absolutely effective. If followed correctly, you could lose up to two pounds per day! If that’s not a great reason to try it out, nothing is.

If you’re looking for supplies to help you follow the HCG diet, see what we can do for you.

4 Ways That Losing Weight Can Benefit Your Lifestyle

4 Health Benefits of Weight Loss

Weight loss can be a struggle. It’s a combination of eating properly and exercising more, both of which are hard habits that require a lot of motivation to develop. In fact, since it can take up to 66 days before you develop a new habit, you likely have to stick with forcing yourself to the gym and away from fast food for a while before you get used to either.

However, weight loss brings several health benefits that make the struggle well worth it. Read on to learn a few of the largest health benefits of weight loss!

1. Lower Risk of Disease and Pain

There’s a whole list of diseases and conditions that being overweight carries with it. Increased joint and muscle pain, increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, and increased risk of some types of cancer are all associated with being overweight. Losing that weight, and keeping that weight off, can reduce your risks of developing these potentially fatal conditions.

2. Better Sleep

An often overlooked benefit of losing weight is getting a better night’s rest. This is because being overweight increases the risk that your airways become restricted at night, known as sleep apnea.

This can reduce the quality of your sleep, as you’ll wake up when you can’t draw breath. It also improves your health, as sleep apnea is linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes.

Even if you don’t suffer from sleep apnea, working out and eating better can help regulate your blood sugar and leave you more sleepy at night, rather than during the day. This can help you fall asleep and stay asleep easier at bedtime.

3. Mood and Confidence Improvements

Though a more subjective benefit, losing weight can work wonders on your personal opinion of yourself. As you get in shape, you may find yourself more confident, proud of your body, and happier generally.

This isn’t necessarily a superficial reflection on yourself (though it’s totally okay if it is!). Exercise is linked to increased happiness because it releases endorphins into your brain. So consistent exercise can be a mood booster even before you start to see changes on the scale.

4. Better Sex Life

Finally, the last thing to note is that losing weight can help you out in the bedroom in several ways.

Better body confidence can make you more confident in your love life. Having more energy and generally being in better shape can lead to better sex as well. Better health and lower weight can also reduce the chances of suffering from arousal issues for both men and women.

Use the Health Benefits of Weight Loss as a Motivator

Losing weight is a long-term commitment, and it requires constant dedication to your goal. Keeping the many health benefits of weight loss in mind can make it easier to stick to your diet and exercise routines.

Of course, there are other ways to get a leg up and help speed your weight loss journey along. The HCG diet helps your body burn off more fat more quickly as you exercise. Check out this article for more details!

How the HCG Diet Plan Works to Annihilate Your Weight Loss Goals

How the HCG Diet Plan Works to Annihilate Your Weight Loss Goals

The HCG diet is an extreme diet that claims to help people lose up to 2 pounds a day!

People claim you also won’t feel hungry on this diet. Is this diet for real? Or is it too good to be true?

Read on to learn all about the HCG diet plan.

What is HCG?

HCG is an acronym for human chorionic gonadotropin. This is a naturally occurring hormone that is present in a woman’s body when she is pregnant.

This is one of the hormones a pregnancy test detects to give a positive reading. Doctors can also use HCG to treat fertility issues.

So, how does this help with weight loss?

Followers of the HCG diet claim that this hormone boosts metabolism and helps you lose large amounts of fat — all without feeling hungry.

Let’s look at the outline of the HGC diet plan.

The HGC Diet Plan

The HCG diet is a very low-fat, very low-calorie diet. On this diet, you will eat only 500 calories per day during the weight loss phase.

Typically, the weight loss phase lasts anywhere from three to six weeks depending on how much weight you want to lose.

To follow this diet, you will only eat two meals a day — usually lunch and supper. There are various HCG meal plans out there. They state that you should eat a lean protein, a vegetable, a fruit and a piece of bread at each meal.

While on this diet, you should drink lots lots of water. You will avoid butter, oils, and sugar.

Now let’s look at the three phases of the HCG diet.

Phase 1

This first phase is for two days. During these days, you can eat as much as you want without limits. You will also start to take the HCG supplements.

During phase 1, you will drink at least a gallon of water each day.

Phase 2

In this portion of the diet, you will decrease the calories you eat each day to 500 calories per day.

The faster you get to the 500-calorie limit, the sooner you will start to shed unwanted pounds.

As we mentioned, phase two can last up to six weeks at a time. You must not eat any foods that contain fats. This phase is the most challenging phase of the diet. If you follow the strict parameters of this meal plan, you will drop unwanted weight quickly.

Then in the maintenance phase, you will keep the weight off for good.

Phase 3

Phase three is about rebuilding your daily caloric intake, finally bringing you to around 1,500 calories per day.

You will still need to avoid sugar and starch for three weeks as you gradually increase your calorie intake.

Be careful, you don’t want to gain back the weight you worked so hard to lose. Increase your water intake during this phase.

If you want to lose more weight, you can start at phase 1 and do the diet all over again.

Final Thoughts

There you go! A look at how the HCG diet plan works.

Remember, if you have any health conditions, you should contact your doctor before beginning an extreme diet such as this one.

Now, check out our HCG dosage guide to help you find the right dose for you.

How to Eat HCG Meals When You Go out to Eat

hcg meals

You love going out to eat. However, you also hate going out to eat — not because the food isn’t good but because a lot of the food isn’t good for you.

If you’re on the HCG diet, you’re likely having a hard time finding healthy food items that will work with this unique diet. The great news? You don’t have to try to figure it all out on your own.

Here’s a rundown on how you can stick to your HCG diet when you want to go out to eat by choosing the right HCG meals.

Let’s get started!

Core HCG Diet Tips

When you go out to eat, you can’t go wrong with salad if you’re on the HCG diet. Specifically, look for salads that come with grilled steak or chicken breast. However, avoid salads with mixed vegetables, such as tomatoes, spinach salad, or mixed greens.

If you plan to enjoy some tea, coffee, or sparkling water with your dinner, be sure to bring some stevia packets with you as well. Stevia is a much healthier alternative to sugar considering that it features no calories.

Also, if you can, stick to restaurants that label themselves as “natural” or “organic.” If you do this, you will decrease your chances of getting processed vegetables or meats.

As a general rule of thumb, you should also try to avoid most gravies and sauces. Along the same lines, be conservative when using condiments and salad dressings. If possible, try to use oil and vinegar dressing, although you should stay away from balsamic vinegar in light of its sugar content.

HCG Meals to Try at Various Restaurants

Here’s a look at various HCG meal options that may be worth trying at certain restaurants.

  • McDonald’s: a grilled chicken patty and a side salad with nothing but lettuce
  • Burger King: a salad with grilled chicken
  • Texas Roadhouse: grilled steak medallions with lettuce or asparagus
  • Applebee’s: half of a beef filet with lettuce or steamed asparagus
  • Panera Bread: steak or chicken with Romaine lettuce that is plain
  • Outback Steakhouse: beef steak with tomatoes or asparagus that has been steamed
  • Macaroni Grill: chicken breast that has been grilled, as well as lettuce, tomatoes, or steamed asparagus

How We Can Help

In addition to offering tips about HCG meals to choose at restaurants, we offer a number of products designed to help those going on an HCG diet.

For instance, in our online store, you can find bacteriostatic water, which is necessary for administering HCG, an injectable hormone.

You can also find a convenient-to-use HCG bacteriostatic water mixing kit. This kit is designed to make it easy for you to mix HCG in an affordable, fast, and easy way.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how our products can help you to make the most of the HCG diet this fall.

Still Unsure of How to Undertake the HCG Diet?

If you haven’t heard of the HCG protocol, then you ought to know that this is the ideal diet that will save you the stress of starving yourself to death for the sake of eliminating the extra fats that have been consistently killing your dieting efforts.

Do not despair. With the HCG diet, expect to engage in fewer workouts, and minimal or no muscle engaging fitness programs at all. This is because this diet will allow you to adopt the best eating techniques that will help you build the new body you that you’ve been longing for. HCG can help redistribute the fat to the proper places on your body; sculpting an entire new body in place of the old you.

Get this right; having such good eating habits will not only keep you healthy, but will also aid in maintaining the new body weight that you’ve acquired with the HCG Diet plan. Yes, we agree, there are tons of recommended diets online that could probably work for you, but who doesn’t love to associate himself/herself with the best available?

Beware that the HCG Diet is always divided into two parts: the HCG product and the very low-calorie eating. Be selective when choosing the type of food to include in your diet, and as you do this, ensure that do not go past the set amount of 500 calories in a day.

You should go ahead and weigh the quantity of your food on a food scale to ascertain that it is the right amount that you are about to consume. Be precise.

Before commencing to consume the low-calorie foods, certify that you have your HCG product. It’s one of the vital essentials in this diet, and its purpose is to boost your energy level by accessing your body’s fat stores, so that you can maintain your normal activities while undergoing the weight loss process.

Also, if you have cancer, diabetes, gallbladder disease, or blood clots in your family, the HCG Diet may not be right for you. Stop using the medication immediately and check with your doctor Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers are also exempted.

This means that everyone who is planning to use the HCG Diet should first go through a thorough, in-depth medical evaluation to determine whether they are fit for use of HCG.

HCG Diet Details

During your day one and two of using the HCG Diet, eat foods that have high fats contents. Eat between 3000 to 4000 calories of dairy products, nuts and fried foods in a day. Do not restrict yourself. Eating fatty foods is a vital procedure that will help you to control your cravings after you’ve started the next chapter of doing away with such kinds of food. This is called the loading phase of the HCG Diet.

The next few weeks are bound to be hectic. You’ve got this! On the third day, you have to restrict your diet and eat a maximum of 500 calories per day. This could be tough, right? You will also have to maintain this eating pattern up to the 26th day while you are also taking the daily dosage of the HCG hormone.

Your cravings could intensify, but you can suppress them and keep yourself fit by drinking more than 64 ounces of water per day. The HCG helps to deal with cravings and hunger.

Scheduled Meals on the HCG Diet

You are to eat lunch and dinner and two other separate snacks each day during the HCG Diet. The recommended snacks should either be a melba toast (Alternative for a piece of bread) or one yummy fruit (choose one among a handful of strawberries, one medium-sized apple or orange, or a half grapefruit).

It is preferable if you divide your snacks between the two meals. Have the melba toast for lunch and consume the remaining selected fruit during or after dinner.

In the HCG Diet plan, it is also helpful to take vitamins to boost your system. Take a Vitamin D and Potassium supplement. The Potassium supplement should have a minimum of 99mg in it while the Vitamin D supplement should possess 1000 units. Ingest the Potassium supplement three times and the Vitamin D once in a day.

The HCG Lunch and Dinner

The proportion of the meat, vegetables, melba toast, and the fruit in your HCG Diet should be balanced. The chosen meat should be approximately 3.5 ounces with no added fats or bones. Include either skinless chicken breast, cold water fish, lobster, buffalo, or crab in the diet.

The meat should also not be fried with oil or butter, just grill or broil it. Add a little pepper, vinegar or salt to spice it up. Pickled fish, salmon, canned tuna, and deli meats aren’t fit for this diet. Avoid them as much as possible!

The rule still stands; no oil or butter should be added when preparing your vegetables and do not eat just one type of vegetable for all your meals. You can eat three cups of raw spinach, green salads, or beet greens. Red radishes (a cupful), onions (half a cup) and tomatoes (one medium size) are also ideal.

The HCG Phases

Dr. Simeons, the founder of the HCG Diet, divided the diet patterns into the three phases below.

  • Phase 1- This is the cleansing phase that can speed up your weight loss. It is a bit expensive and consumes a lot of time. (This phase was actually added by Kevin Trudeau in his book about the HCG Diet called “The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want you to Know About”.)
  • Phase 2- This phase is divided into three parts: the loading, the core diet, and the taper-off phase. This phase is meant to create awareness so that those on the diet can know its purpose. In the loading phase, you’ll have more intake of fats to replenish your fat reserves. In the core phase, you’ll continue the 500-calorie diet with the HCG hormone injections, and this should last up to 40 days. In the taper phase, you won’t take any of the HCG, but you will continue with the 500 calorie diet for three more days.
  • Phase 3- This is where the maintenance diet comes in. You will go back to eating a low carb diet and do away with the HCG Diet and the HCG Hormone. Eat as much as you want while maintaining your new weight within 2 pounds of your weight of the day of your last injection. You can proceed to start over again after 6 weeks off of HCG. If you need to lose more weight, this is called doing another round of HCG.


The HCG Diet plan is simple, but if you miss out on the little details then you will probably struggle on the plan. You won’t achieve the optimum results that you badly want. Abide by the scheduled meals to stay healthy and active. It can be done, just do your part by sticking to the plan closely to succeed.

HCG Hormones and Your Weight Loss Regimen

Referred to as HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is a hormone. The basic function of this hormone is to nourish a fetus during the early stages of pregnancy. Our body produces HCG naturally from a component of the fertilized egg. However, synthetic HCG powder is made by extracting it from the pituitary glands of a pregnant woman. A wide range of HCG products are created by using this powder.

Dr. ATW Simeons, a British endocrinologist, first identified the connection between HCG and weight loss. He suggested that this hormone renders unbelievable results when it comes to losing an enormous amount of weight. Initially, only the injection form of HCG hormone was available in his protocol. However, at present numerous other forms like pills and drops have been formulated in an attempt to add more convenience to the consumer.

Comparing the Effectiveness of HCG Injections with Drops and Pellets

While differentiating between the efficacy of injections, pellets, and drops, it is essential to know the procedure and steps associated with each of these methods. As far as HCG injection is concerned, it is usually injected into the abdominal area. Nevertheless, upper arm, buttocks, or thigh are some of the other places where you can inject the dose. Any minimal side effects felt eventually minimize after a few hours.

Using drops and pellets appears to be a relatively simple process. However, it is not as effective as the injections. Since you need to place them beneath your tongue, chances are there that you may not absorb the complete dosage. This may happen when you drink something within a few minutes of taking HCG pellets or drop or even if you do not hold them under your tongue for a long enough period of time. This is considered as the major drawback of HCG drops and pellets. In fact, the dose takes some time to completely dissolve and enter into the bloodstream. Hence, it is advised to stick with injections for the most effective HCG protocol possible.

As a whole, each of the above-mentioned methods of administering HCG can seem to have their plus points. Some people are comfortable with the drops and pellets. Others who are determined to lose their weight quickly prefer the tried and true method of injections.

VITAMIN B12: An Essential Component of HCG Diet

The Vitamin B12 supplement plays a pivotal role to enhance the efficiency of the HCG diet. This is the reason Vitamin B12 is sometimes sold along with HCG kit. During weight loss protocol, it is consumed in a liquid form. Although there are numerous health benefits associated with this vitamin, its positive impacts as a part of the HCG diet are simply amazing. Vitamin B12 enhances the absorption of HCG and provides desired results within less anticipated time. Apart from this, Sublingual Vitamin B12 is observed to provide an extra boost, which some people require to sustain perfect physical and mental health, while following the strict HCG diet protocol.

Things to Consider while Purchasing the HCG Hormone

Since different companies manufacture HCG hormone, there are various brand names available in the market. Some of the leading brands include Corion, Ovidac, and HuCoG. We have found most of the brands to be essentially equal in effectiveness on the HCG Diet Protocol. Hence, you should try and experiment, as to what brand works best for your body. Besides this, the most essential aspect while purchasing the HCG supplies is to look for a trusted provider.

Buying HCG is not a big deal, as there are various options including pharmacies (require a script from your doctor) and online providers. Make sure to do your research prior to choosing a product. By doing so, you can find the best product suited to you both in terms of price and quality.

Following are the aspects that you should keep in mind before purchasing HCG hormone.

Quality and Quantity: Both the quality and quantity of HCG hormone should be your concern. Look for superior quality pharmaceutical powder composed of HCG in pure form.

Dosage Information: The product must offer clear information, as for how to administer the dose. This will ensure that you get the best possible outcome after taking the required amount of this hormone.

Avoid HCG-free Drops: If you are thinking about choosing the homeopathic version, make sure that the product contains actual HCG hormone, as in most of the cases, these drops are HCG-free. They even brag about the fact that they contain no HCG hormone like that is actually a good thing. This really means that you wouldn’t get the desired results with this type of product.

Specific Diet Information: In fact, if you don’t follow a particular diet plan while taking HCG, it would not yield any positive results for your weight loss regimen. So, choose only such a protocol, which provides specific diet information. The company must share all the details regarding what foods you can eat and what precautions to take. Something like the original HCG Protocol by Dr. ATW Simeons is a long-time proven method.

Homeopathic Vs Pharmaceutical HCG Hormones

Pharmaceutical HCG comes in a powdered form. The solution is prepared by mixing the HCG powder with bacteriostatic water. The solution is then injected under the skin or intramuscularly as per the prescribed dosage in the protocol. For optimum results, you should know the recommended method of mixing the HCG powder and creating a solution that is right for you.

Homeopathic HCG is available in the forms of drops, pellets, and patches. It has been observed that homeopathic drops contain no HCG hormone. The only thing present in these drops is the memory of such a hormone. Although this type of medication works to some extent, scientists are still unable to explain the reasons for any such effectiveness.

Apparently, the method of injecting HCG appears to be difficult at first, but you will get used to it. In fact, HCG injections are the most effective method to administer HCG for the weight loss protocol. This is so, as you intake a measured amount of this hormone with each daily dose.

Has Your Weight Loss Journey Become Stagnant?

Working out for weight loss

The weight loss journey is a thrilling one that has its share of ups and downs. At the beginning it seems like the pounds just melt off and it is thrilling to step on the scale, do your measurements, and put on old clothes that haven’t fit for years. Friends and family start commenting on how fantastic you look and they are full of positive reinforcement. During the middle part of your journey the differences start to slow down and the rewards start to stagnate but you still see positive changes. The end of the weight loss journey is by far the most difficult. You may feel like you are stuck in a holding pattern. The final ten pounds are going nowhere and you are beginning to wonder if you will ever have the body that you dreamed of.

You begin to wonder if it was all worth it and begin to fantasize about eating the foods that you have avoided during your journey. Don’t do it! You have invested so much effort into this and it is so easy to slide back into old habits. Try to find new things to occupy your time instead of just worrying about the fact that you are not losing any weight.

Focus on positive things in your life. Your health is better now that you have made a real dent in your weight. You have come so far and sabotaging it now is the last thing that you should do. Instead try to figure out what made you gain all of the weight in the first place. Do you have an eating problem? There are weight loss support groups that you can join that will help you change your relationship with food. Maybe you were simply eating out of boredom. Find new activities on which to focus your energy.

Try finding a new form of exercise. If you were walking before, now might be a good time to give running a try. There are always 5km and 10km runs going on in the community for which you can sign up. If you are feeling ambitious, you could start training for a half marathon. If you are looking for an individual sport there are many different options like karate, judo, mixed martial arts, swimming, weightlifting, or cycling. If team sports are more your thing you could try soccer, basketball, baseball, or volleyball. The key is to focus your energy on something fun instead of just weighing yourself and being frustrated by the lack of change.

You will get there! You will lose that last ten pounds, and you will have the body that you have always dreamed of. Keep focusing your energy on the positive aspects of your weight loss journey. The Dr. Simeons HCG Diet works and you have already seen such a positive transformation. Keep following the diet, step up your exercise game, find new areas of interest to focus on and you will be at your goal weight before you know it!

What Can I Eat on the HCG Diet?

Salad for weight loss

What can I eat on the HCG Diet?

Eating only 500 calories a day might seem difficult to maintain. And having limitations on what you can eat to make up those 500 calories can seem nearly impossible. Planning and being clear on what you can have is key. Consider having just coffee or tea for breakfast and concentrate on getting much of your nourishment during lunch and dinner. You can also prep some of the meals at the beginning of the week if you don’t think you’ll have time to cook and plan during the week.

Below is the list of foods that you can have on the HCG low-calorie diet without ever worrying about feeling hungry.

Fruits you can have

  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Lemons
  • Strawberries

Proteins you can have

  • Veal
  • White Fish
  • Lobster
  • Crab
  • Shrimp
  • Extra Lean Beef
  • Buffalo
  • 3 Egg Whites
  • Scallops
  • Chicken

Vegetables you can have

  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Fennel
  • Chard
  • Onions
  • Beet Greens
  • Cucumbers
  • Green Salad
  • Cabbage
  • Mixed Greens
  • Red Radishes
  • Shallots
  • Asparagus
  • Tomatoes

Beverages & Extras

  • Tea, Coffee, Water
  • Stevia
  • Spices & Dried Herbs
  • Grissini or Melba Toast

Best Value Mixing Kit

Trying to figure out which mixing kit is right for you? Still unsure about what you’ll need to get started? Check out our most popular kit:

43 day mixing kit, used with 5000iu or 10000iu HCG.  (HCG NOT included.)  It can be used with 5000 or 10000 IU HCG ampoules. (For the greatest flexibility in dosage size, you may want to go with one 10000iu HCG ampoule.) You can get the entire kit at a huge savings.

Now is the time to lose that extra weight and this site makes it so easy to find those products that will best help you out with this task. We’ve also got a great Customer Service line if you have questions, and want to talk to a “real person.” 🙂

What are HCG Mixing Kits?

A very popular question from individuals who are new to HCG dieting is: What are HCG Mixing Kits , and why do I need one? Is it required for Dr Simeons HCG Diet Protocol?

HCG is typically packaged as a dried, compressed powder that needs to be hydrated, and mixed to the right strength for injection. That’s where the mixing kits come in.

In these kits you will get all of the essentials you’ll need to hydrate and mix your HCG. What is great about these kits is that they are very affordable and you will get everything that you need: sterile needles/syringe combos, sterile capped empty HCG storage vials, large mixing syringes with needles for mixing HCG, alcohol wipes, and Bacteriostatic Water mixing solvent.  You can also get useful HCG accessories like syringe filters and plastic ampoule breakers.