What Is HCG Hormone for Weight Loss?

hcg hormone

Tired of trying a new fad diet every week and not seeing results from any of them?

If so, why not try a diet that works with your body’s hormonal processes, instead of against them?

That’s the basis of the hCG diet. Balancing an effective diet with calibrated supplements of hCG hormone can be the weight loss kickstart that you’ve always needed.

Want to learn how hCG hormone works for weight loss? Read this guide. We’ll explain the hCG weight loss program, what role the hCG hormone plays, and how to use hCG hormone safely.

How Does HCG Hormone Help Weight Loss?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), often known as the “pregnancy test hormone,” is a hormone most commonly produced in pregnancy.

However, like all hormones, it has multiple effects on body tissues that can impact the body in many different ways. That’s why hCG injections are used in both men and women to rectify hormonal imbalances.

So what happens when you eat only 500 calories per day for up to 8 weeks, while simultaneously taking hCG injections?

Proponents of the hCG weight loss diet say that the right low-calorie diet, combined with hCG injections, gives your metabolism a boost. This allows your body to burn fat for your caloric needs while reducing hunger pangs and other side effects of a low-calorie diet.

HCG Injections

To balance out your low-calorie hCG diet, you’ll need a high-quality hCG hormone to give you the hormonal boost to burn calories and lose pounds.

Supplements come in all shapes, sizes, and preparations, but unfortunately, they’re not regulated by the FDA. That means that the pills, tablets, and sprays that are available for purchase don’t necessarily contain any hCG, so they might not have the weight-loss properties you’re looking for.

On the other hand, hCG injections use a precise dosage of powdered real hCG hormone, which you mix with medical-grade bacteriostatic water in a sterile hcg storage vial. This gives you more control over when and how much hCG hormone your body absorbs.

To stay safe, you’ll need to create your injectable hCG preparation with sterilized medical equipment. This includes bacteriostatic water, which has 0.9% benzyl alcohol added as a preservative. The FDA recommends bacteriostatic water as the standard solvent for all medical injections.

In addition, make sure you purchase all the other necessary medical equipment that you will need to safely inject your hCG preparation. This includes alcohol wipes to clean your skin before injecting and extra syringes with needles for mixing. You’ll also need a sterile vial to mix the powdered hCG with your solvent.

To save on the costs of medical supplies, find a retailer that offers a bundle deal on hcg mixing and injection kits and all these medical supplies including Bac-water.

Use HCG Hormone for Weight Loss

If you’ve made many attempts at losing weight and none of them have worked, you might find that the hCG hormone gives you the metabolism boost you need.

Are you looking to get started with the hCG diet today? Then check out our range of professional mixing kits, designed to let you reconstitute powdered hCG at home (hCG hormone sold separately – not included).