5 HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful in Your Weight Loss Goals

5 HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful in Your Weight Loss Goals

Nearly half of all Americans have tried to lose weight within the last year. If you’re one of them, what can you do to make your weight loss journey more successful? Read on for HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful.

Have you considered the HCG diet? This type of program works with your body’s hormones to help you shed pounds more easily.

HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful

If you need to know the rules for the HCG diet, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll walk you through this weight loss concept and give you five HCG diet tips to boost your results.

What is the HCG Diet?

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It helps boost energy and beat fatigue by telling your body to burn your stored fat for fuel.

There are four different phases to the HCG diet. Phase one, you eat high-fat foods for a few days. For phase two, you cut back to 500 calories for up to six weeks while receiving daily HCG hormone injections.

Next, you transition back to a more regular calorie intake. And lastly, you learn how to maintain your new weight. Let’s look at the things you can do during the different phases to make sure you see the best results.

1. Go for High Quality Fats

For your first phase, it sounds like fun to eat as much high-fat and high-calorie foods as you want. To do it right, look for high-quality foods instead.

Don’t load up on junk food. Try fatty macadamia nuts, grass fed beef, wild caught salmon, avocados, and other delicious yet nutritious foods to stock your body’s fat stores.

2. Bacteriostatic Water Boost

To make your HCG diet a little easier to stick with, try using bacteriostatic water. This is sterile water that’s paired with 0.9% benzyl alcohol and is mixed with medicines for injection.

It dissolves powdered HCG and makes mixing it easier. Plus it has a long shelf life and is handy to have around.

3. Eat Slowly

When you’re in the low calorie phase, it can be difficult to power through. Chewing slowly and completely will help you feel fuller faster.

Make your meals count. Savor every bite and chew your food slowly to give your stomach time to adjust. The size of your stomach will reduce over time and you won’t require as much food volume to feel full.

4. Stay Hydrated

Another way to feel full without going over your caloric limits is to drink a lot of water. Many times your body tells you that it’s hungry when really you’re just thirsty. You may think your body is signaling hunger, when it is actually a signal for thirst. Listen carefully to your body and learn to tell the difference between the two.

Make sure you’re getting enough to drink. Flavor your water with low-calorie options like lemon, mint, or even cucumber to keep it interesting.

5. Mix it Up

Speaking of beating diet boredom, there are low-calorie ways to spice up your life — literally. Many spices outside of salt are flavorful and add minimal calories.

Change the way you eat your food to make it more interesting. For example, if you drink your (sugar free) coffee hot, try it iced or frozen.

More HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful

As you can see, these five HCG diet tips and tricks will help you navigate the hardest part of the diet, get you past the plateaus, and help you see the results you’re looking for. Check out these deals to find exactly what you need to make your HCG diet a success. And please visit HCG Supplies often for all of your diet needs.

HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful.