Bacteriostatic Water for Mixing

Most dieters prefer to mix their HCG with Bacteriostatic Water. (Pronounced “back-tear-e-o-sta-tick”). Bacteriostatic Water is sterile water with 0.9% alcohol to keep it sterile.

HCG supplies offers you Bacteriostatic Water for mixing. Although mixing solvent is included with our Mixing Kits, you can purchase it separately. (Remember, shipping is FREE at HCG Supplies!) Bacteriostatic Water for HCG Mixing is sold in 30 ml vials.

When you buy hcg online , it typically comes as a dried, compressed powder. You’ll need some type of solvent to hydrate the HCG and dilute it to the right strength for injection. Bacteriostatic water is perfect for mixing your HCG for the HCG Diet Protocol by Dr. Simeons.

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