HCG Procession: How Long To Wait Between Rounds of the HCG Diet

How Long To Wait Between Rounds of the HCG Diet

Losing weight is a tough endeavor in the modern world. Too many jobs require you to spend countless hours sitting down and working on a computer only for you to go home too mentally exhausted to exercise or cook a healthy meal.

If you’re looking for a weight loss program that works, you should consider the HCG dietary program. It involves a combination of hormone injections with a low-calorie diet. However, it does require a specific kind of timing.

Here’s what you should know about how long to wait between rounds of the HCG diet.

What is HCG?

HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a chemical created through tissue found during pregnancy. This hormone helps to first identify when a person is pregnant.

Both men and women can be prescribed HCG as a hormone treatment and to treat infertility. However, a British physician in the 1950s discovered it could also help people burn stored fat and avoid burning muscle tissue.

The best part is that using this hormone treatment would help a person lose weight without feeling hungry or starving themselves.

How the HCG Dietary Program Works

The idea behind losing weight with HCG is that the hormone supplement improves your metabolism and helps to burn calories from stubborn body fat. Furthermore, this hormone reduces your normal hunger and cravings.

With the help of HCG, a person can reduce the amount of calories they take in with much more ease than if they tried on their own. The diet is broken up into three phases with different rules and restrictions on caloric intake.

Bacteriostatic water is used as a diluent or solvent for HCG due to how it can inhibit bacterial growth. Once you have your HCG, you can purchase a mixing kit online to facilitate the program.

How Long to Wait Between Rounds of the HCG Diet

One of the most important parts of the HCG dietary program is making sure you wait long enough between rounds for the best results. You must adhere to your hormone regimen and monitor your body’s responses to the diet.

You must wait at least six weeks between the first and second rounds of the treatment. Between the second and third rounds, you should wait eight weeks. The timespan further increases to twelve weeks and then twenty.

Dieters must take breaks between rounds to avoid your body building up resistance to the hormone. It also helps you avoid nutritional deficiency and allows your body to reset its metabolism between each round.

Lose the Extra Weight

So how long to wait between rounds of the HCG diet? It all depends on what stage you’re on and how many more rounds you intend to participate in. Pay attention to what your body needs and don’t push yourself too far, though.

HCG Supplies is the place to go for your items such as mixing kits, bacteriostatic water, syringes, and more. Our high-quality items allow versatility in your mixing procedures. Contact us with any questions and for free support by email.

A Quick Guide on Where to Buy Insulin Syringes

A Quick Guide on Where to Buy Insulin Syringes

Early this year, the President limited the cost of insulin for Medicare recipients. This lowered the price of insulin from more than $90 per vial to just $35 per vial.

Insulin syringes aren’t used solely for insulin. They can be used for a few different things. One use is to inject Human chorionic gonadotropin, often known as hCG.

Many men use hCG to increase their testosterone levels and increase their fertility. Others use it when dieting. Those prescribed hCG often find themselves wondering where to buy insulin syringes.

We can help. We sell a wide array of hCG supplies on our site. Please remember that we can’t give you hCG.

Needle Size

The first thing to know when buying syringes from our site is what needle size to use. We’ve all seen jokes on TV about needles, and the jokes usually involve needles being needlessly long. While some needles are longer than others, most tend to be small.

The largest types of insulin syringes are half-an-inch long. The size and shape of a hypodermic needle depend on what it’s injecting. Doctors use shorter needles to reach tissues just beneath the skin (subcutaneous).

The thickness of syringe needles is related to the type of the liquid in them. For hCG you won’t need a thick needle. Doctors recommend between a 31 gauge and a 28 gauge, both of which are quite thin.

Staying Clean

Knowing where to buy insulin syringes is only half the battle. You also need to know about sterile water and bacteriostatic water. Both are used in certain circumstances to dilute medicine, but they’re not the same.

Sterile water isn’t used in the hCG Diet, but bacteriostatic water is. Bacteriostatic water lasts for much longer than sterile water, often posing no risk of infection for about a month after you open it.

You shouldn’t go on the hCG diet if you’re pregnant.

Consult a Doctor

We aren’t doctors. As a company, all we can share is personal experiences or the potential experiences of customers. We’re not qualified to say if the hCG diet is right for you.

Talk to your doctor. The hCG Diet can work, but you shouldn’t do it if your doctor advises against it. Be sure to ask any questions you can think of and follow their advice and instructions.

Please note that your doctor needs to prescribe the hCG anyway, so you’ll have to consult them sooner or later unless you locate your own source for hCG.

Where to Buy Insulin Syringes for the hCG Diet

Going on a diet that utilizes human chorionic gonadotropin can do wonders for your weight, but it’s not for everyone.

If your doctor gives you the green light, the next step is to purchase supplies. Those wondering where to find insulin syringes should visit our site.

Going on the hCG diet means that you will need to know how to safely use needles. We at HCGSupplies can offer some advice on this aspect.

HCG Injections: How They Work to Promote Weight Loss

HCG Injections: How They Work to Promote Weight Loss

Being overweight lowers your self-esteem and prevents you from living your best life. Not only does it drain your confidence, but obesity is a severe and costly disease.

According to 2015-2016 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 39.8% of adults over the age of 20 were obese, and 71.6% were overweight.

That is a problem.

While weight loss can be difficult, there are ways to make it less strenuous on your body and mind. HCG injections and a low-calorie diet can lead you to the weight loss results you’re looking for.

The Link Between HCG Injections and Weight Loss

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is a hormone that is naturally produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

HCG injections can be used as a weight-loss supplement. HCG dosage for weight loss dose depends on your sex, diet, and goals. The injections are for both men and women.

The injections contain bacteriostatic water. This cleaned and filtered water is completely sterile and contains 0.9% Benzyl alcohol. Bacteriostatic water prevents microbe formation during HCG injections. The water allows for safe and healthy HCG injections.

HCG resets your metabolism to help people lose weight without feeling hungry, weak, or tired. The injections suppress appetite and allow the body to burn fat instead of muscle.

Positive side effects of HCG injections include higher energy levels, muscle toning, and an elevated mood.

HCG injections are relatively painless. Doses are administered in the comfort of your home. Users can choose the needle length and syringe size.

People can lose as much as one pound per day by following the HCG diet and receiving regular injections.

What Is the HCG Diet?

Pair your HCG injections with the HCG diet for optimal weight loss results. How does the HCG diet work? It helps people maintain a low-calorie lifestyle to drop pounds quickly.

The HCG diet focuses on eating 500 calories per day. It involves two meals, usually lunch and dinner. Each meal should contain a vegetable, a fruit, a serving of bread, and protein.

Prime examples of HCG-approved foods include:

  • Celery
  • Berries
  • Apples
  • Melba toast
  • Onions
  • Sliced turkey
  • Leafy greens
  • Fish (mainly white fish)
  • Skinless chicken breast
  • Crab and shrimp

On the other hand, HCG dieters should steer clear of fatty fish, like salmon and tuna. Avoid nuts, sugar, oils, and potatoes. While you should eliminate butter, you can go wild with other seasonings like salt, vinegar, and mustard.

The HCG diet allows people to drink tea and coffee, but sugar and cream are not recommended. It’s essential to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water while dieting.

Learn More About HCG for Weight Loss

HCG and weight loss go hand-in-hand; combining a low-calorie diet with HCG injections leads to fast, safe, and long-lasting weight loss results.

If you’re looking for more on HCG injections and how to drop those extra pounds, we’ve got you covered. Explore our blog to learn about delicious HCG recipes, HCG diet secrets, and how HCG can enhance more than just your waistline.

Start with this article about how losing weight can transform your life!

HCG Supplies

Your health and safety is of utmost importance to us here at HCGSupplies.com, LLC. Therefore we want to get this out of the way, first and foremost. We are NOT doctors and we CANNOT give medical advice. So nothing you will read on this blog under any circumstances, is to be considered medical advice. We strongly recommend that you consult a medical professional before starting any diet program or taking any medication. All we do on this blog, and on our website, is share opinions and personal experiences. We are NOT doctors.

If you have any questions about this, or anything else on our site, please feel free to contact us at: Customer service line: 1-703-859-9303 (if no answer please leave a message – we return all calls within 24 hours, usually much less.) Customer service email: Click here to email us

HCG Protocol Makes the Ch. 2 News in New York

A big “THANK YOU!” to one of our “Special” 😉 customers for bringing this news article to our attention:

HealthWatch: Hormone Could Lead To Weight Loss

Pregnancy Hormone Could Trigger Quick Slimming Effects

How far would you go to lose weight?

The latest diet trend actually tricks your body into thinking it’s pregnant. And believe it or not, women who are on it say the weight just melts off, up to a pound a day.

But some doctors are concerned.

CBS 2 HD investigates the HCG diet.

When you think of pregnancy, you don’t usually think of weight loss.

But a new diet may, modeled after pregnancy, may change that. It’s all because of a hormone found only in mothers-to-be, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG).

“It’s produced by the placenta, part of the structure within the uterus that provides nutrition for a growing baby,” said Dr. Barry Klyde.

The hormone’s main function is to convert stored body fat into energy to help maintain the fetus. But now, women and men are using HCG to help lose weight.

“It’s unbelievable,” said Kelly Vaughn, a radio disc jockey who uses the injections under the supervision of her physician who prescribed the shots for her.

Here’s how it works. The hormone injection tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant. The body then converts stored fat into energy, but because it isn’t needed to support a fetus, it triggers weight lost.

“The theory behind HCG is that when it’s in your bloodstream, it releases your fat stores, which is what it’s designed to do in pregnant women,” Vaughn said.

The diet also requires eating just 500 calories a day – but HCG also works to surpress appetite.

Vaughn has tried Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, and Physicians Weight Loss, but says HCG is the only diet that has actually worked for her.

“I’ve lost 40 pounds. The first three weeks I lost 15 pounds,” Vaughn said.

The use of HCG for weight loss, however, has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and concerned experts are warning of potential serious side effects.

“In women, the use of HCG can distort the menstrual cycle. In men the overproduction of testosterone can cause prostate enlargement and serious consequences,” said Dr. Klyde.

Vaughn said she doesn’t notice any side effects.

“I didn’t notice anything about it,” she said.

In recent years, additional studies show the weight loss may have been a result of the diet’s strict 500 calorie limit, and not necessarily the HCG. Still, many say they couldn’t have done it without the injections.

The cost of HCG is about $140 a month…

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