HCGSupplies.com Introduces Two New Guides to Buying HCG for Weightloss

Online retailer offers new discount codes for additional savings on already low prices

(Washington, DC)  March, 2010 – HCGSupplies.com, a leading online seller of HCG supplies, accessories and mixing kits, makes it easier for customers to understand and plan their HCG for weightloss regimen by introducing the Easy Ordering Guide and FAQ pages. The Easy Ordering Guide helps determine what products are necessary based on each dieter’s individual goals. The frequently asked questions page offers answers to common questions so customers can make important weightloss decisions in an informed way.

“Serial dieters who are frustrated by the ups and downs of yo-yo dieting can learn about the benefits of safely using HCG in a weightloss plan from the additional tools and resources we make available at no charge,” said Jim Sparks, director of marketing at HCGSupplies.com. “Those new to HCG will learn how it helps dieters succeed, once and for all, by enhancing a sense of well-being. HCG in conjunction with a low calorie diet plan can deliver results within weeks and best of all, dieters can maintain the weightloss.”

Featuring a step-by-step guide and tables on how to order HCG and HCG mixing kits, the Easy Ordering Guide is an important tool for customers to make smart and informed decision when embarking on HCG for weightloss. The Frequently Asked Questions section features answers to more than a dozen commonly asked questions about diet information, syringe size, vial coloring, and which kits work for which person.

Daily HGC injections in conjunction with a healthy low-calorie diet, have been associated with decreased hunger and weight loss of up to a pound per day. This combination of HCG and diet is intended to help the body burn fat cells while avoiding the malaise and loss of morale associated with many other popular weight-loss programs. HCG kits sold by HCGSupplies.com are ideal for dieters following the pioneering HCG-based diet regimens of Dr. Simeons and Kevin Trudeau.

While HCGSupplies.com does not sell the hormone HCG, shoppers can find where to buy HCG online.

Offering all the latest HCG supplies and accessories, HCGSupplies.com was founded to give customers not only the best products for weight loss, but also the resources to help dieters properly understand how HCG can be used effectively for weight loss. While HCGSupplies.com does not sell HCG, the web site sells everything a person might need to properly use the supplement: syringes, vials, HCG mixing kits, HCG mixing solvents, HCG recipes, and much more.

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About HCGSupplies.com

HCGSupplies.com was founded as a one stop shop for those looking for the latest HCG weight loss products and instructions. Since its conception, HCGSupplies.com has strived to give intelligent people struggling with weight loss the products and mental edge to get control of their weight and their lives. While HCGSupplies.com does not sell HCG, it does offer HCG related products such as HCG mixing kits, syringes, vials, and mixing solvents, as well as other products such as Miracle Noodles and B12 injections. In addition, HCGSupplies.com offers how to mix HCG instructions, HCG dosage charts, Kevin Trudeau weightloss. HCGSupplies.com products can be ordered online or over the phone and can be shipped quickly to anywhere in the USA.

Kevin Trudeau Weight Loss Cure

Have you heard about the Kevin Trudeau Weight Loss Cure yet?

In Trudeau’s book “The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About,” he discussed the HCG Diet Protocol. He discusses Dr. Simeons’ “Pounds and Inches” protocol, and the years of research he did, studying the effects of hCG injections for weight loss. Trudeau also dicusses the “Phases” of the diet.

This book and the theories in it have gained popularity over the years. The diet is gaining popularity with weight loss clinics, health professionals, and individuals looking to permanently shed unwanted pounds. We recommend reading this fascinating book!

DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to cure, treat,  and/or diagnose any disease or condition. We recommend seeking the advice of a medical professional before starting any weight loss program.

HCG Syringes and Needles

Syringes and needles are a necessity when following the HCG diet. We know some people may be a bit fearful of using needles and this is why we have them in two different sizes.

1. Small/Subcutaneous: This is a 28 gauge, 1/2 inch, 1cc needle-syringe, sometimes referred to as an “insulin-style” syringe. It is typically injected into the stomach/”love-handles” region, or the upper thigh. These are “subcutaneous” injections, which means it goes just below the skin.

2. Large/Intra-muscular: This is a 27gauge, 1 1/4 inch, 3cc needle-syringe. It is typically injected directly into the muscle, usually in the buttocks or upper arm.

You will need to be sure you have enough supplies to get through your 23 or 43 day protocol. If you are unsure of the size needles and syringes you will need, you can view our Needle and Syringe Size Comparison PDF

[Be sure to contact your physician if you are unsure about where to inject, or any other medical questions.]

HCG Mixing Kits

If you are following the HCG diet there are definitely some supplies you need. The HCG mixing kits we carry are designed to provide you with the essential items that you will need to mix together the ingredients properly.

Our Mixing Kits include:

Injection needles/syringes, your choice of large (intra-muscular) or small (subcutaneous)

Empty mixing vials, your choice of clear or amber

Large needles and syringes for mixing

-Your choice of mixing solvent

Alcohol Pads

When you’re searching for supplies you want to be sure you get those of the highest quality from a reputable source and that’s us!

Is Losing 1-2 Pounds a Day Healthy?

To many, losing 1-2 pounds a day is amazing! However, the question of whether or not this is healthy generally comes up.

Weight loss that occurs when you follow the Dr Simeons diet protocol comes directly from adipose fat tissue rather than lean muscle, which means the weight lost comes directly from fat and does not strip the body of muscle, vitamins or minerals.

Download Dr Simeons Manuscript — “Pounds and Inches” for more information.

Are Injections Absolutely Necessary for Weight Loss?

One question that comes up frequently is whether injections are absolutely necessary or if there is another way to go about using HCG for weight loss. The answer is no, injections are not absolutely necessary; a sublingual (or under the tongue) method is another option but we have found the best results are from the injection method of HCG diet protocol.

If a fear of needles is the reason you want to try the sublingual method, rest assured our needles are very small and many of our customers have reported that they don’t even feel them.

HCG for Weight Loss

One of the first questions people ask when hearing about using HCG for weight loss is, “How much weight will I lose if I follow the hCG diet?”

It’s been reported that most people who follow the HCG diet  have an average weight loss of between 1 to 2 lbs a day. It’s so motivational to see the weight “fall” off so quickly!

Often times, faster weight loss will come about when adding/increasing water and sea salt intake. The water will flush toxins out of your system, and the sea salt will add valuable minerals to your diet.

The Basics of the HCG Diet

If the idea of the hCG diet sounds too complicated, rest assured, it isn’t.  In the simplest terms; you follow a strict diet, accompanied with very small amounts of hCG, to attain remarkable and permanent weight loss. Using HCG for weight loss really is not all that complicated.

However, for more detailed information, it is strongly recommend that you read “Pounds and Inches: A New Approach to Obesity” by Dr. ATW Simeons, to get a full understanding of the protocol.

What is HCG?

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone present in both men and women, however, it is produced in great amounts in women when they are pregnant. During pregnancy, the substance almost completely controls the woman’s metabolic functions.

HCG also works in non-pregnant people, research suggests HCG increases the metabolism similar to a pregnant woman. Dr. Simeons’ research suggests a small, daily injection amount of HCG (approx. 125 IU to 200 IU), results in an average weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs a day when accompanied by a very low calorie diet. Many people have used HCG for weight loss and have been very successful.