How to Mix HCG

Plenty of people are skeptical when it comes to HCG diet plans, but the plans appear to be effective when provided to people in the right doses. Whatever the case, people know to consult with medical professionals before making drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle.

Proponents of the plan say that it’s safe and effective at least in the short term. It can be confusing, though, for people jumping into the HCG diet plan for the first time.

For best results, it’s important to learn how to mix HCG properly. Consider taking a quick look at some guidance on the topic below.

How to Mix HCG: A Quick Look

Properly mixing HCG is the foundation for achieving your desired results. There are a few ways to do it, too. You can try to find a clinic in your area, or you can mix the substances yourself using HCG mixing kits.

If you’re set on doing it yourself, you’ll need some HCG weight loss supplies to get started. You’ll need HCG, bacteriostatic water, alcohol prep pads, sterile capped glass vials, large syringes, and needles.

It’s important to keep your working area as clean as possible. Also, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with paper towels.

HCG Mixing Steps

First, lay out all the materials for your HCG diet in a sterile environment. Next, open a glass ampoule of HCG powder by first cleaning its top, and then snap it away from the body. Clean the rubber top of the bacteriostatic water and a separate sterile glass vial with an alcohol pad.

There are many ways to mix the HCG. We suggest following the HCG Mixing Directions and HCG Dosage Chart on this page. Do not shake the contents, as they will mix on their own.

It’s important to note that, before any injection, you need to prepare accordingly and let the air bubbles rise to the top of the syringe. Also push the stopper until all air is out of the syringe.

These are the basic steps for prepping your mixture. It’s important to follow up with the dosage for your specific plan.

HCG Mixture Dosage

HCG mixing amounts can vary for each person. More is not always better. Some people do better on the lower dosages, even larger people. These are typically individualized plans, so you need to alter the dosages based on the recommendations you received or your own feeling of hunger. Here’s a look at the common numbers for daily dosages of HCG:

  • 125 iu
  • 150 iu
  • 175 iu
  • 200 iu

The mixing amounts of Bacteriostatic water will depend on the ampoule size of HCG you have. The daily dosages also determine how many days of injection yield they’ll provide.

Mixing HCG

While it’s relatively easy to learn how to mix HCG, you might want to turn to HCG mixing kits instead. They provide all the supplies you need and can be tailored to your specific diet plan. However, mixing on your own isn’t as complicated as it might seem.

It’s important to consider the risks that each step can present and, more importantly, to consult with a medical professional before getting started.

Reach out if you’re interested in getting started. We have all of the HCG Supplies you will need to get started.

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