How to Take HCG Diet Injections: A Beginner’s Guide

Did you know that the HCG Diet may cause rapid weight loss of up to between one and two pounds per day?

It’s no surprise therefore that the diet has been popular in recent years. But perhaps you’re unsure about how to take HCG shots. Then look no further.

In this guide, we’ll tell you what you need to know about how the diet works and how to take HCG shots.

What Is the HCG Diet?

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It’s a hormone that the body secretes naturally, but can also be taken by way of injection.

To follow the HCG diet, you should only consume 500 calories over 43 days, while taking HCG shots at the same time.

You’re allowed to consume two meals per day, both lunch and dinner. Every meal you eat should include one source of protein, one vegetable, and a piece of fruit. The main goal of the diet is fast weight loss.

How to Take HCG Injections

To experience the best results with the HCG diet, you’ll need to know how to take the injections correctly. Use this as your HCG diet injections guide.

Mixing HCG is integral to the process. Follow the steps below to ensure you mix properly.

Preparing to Mix HCG

First, you’ll need to have all your supplies ready. These include:

Ensure the area is sterile and set out all your supplies. Open your glass ampoule of HCG powder. Clean the top of the container that has the bacteriostatic water, along with an empty glass vial. Use an alcohol prep pad for cleaning.

Before mixing, you’ll want to tap the syringe to force the air bubbles to surface to the top of your syringe. Be sure to put pressure on the plunger, so that all of the air gets released. Try not to shake the mixture, allow it to mix naturally.

How to Mix HCG

You must get the dosage correct before you start using HCG shots. However, the amount you should take will be unique and specific to your needs. Use the amount based upon what you’ve been recommended to take by your doctor, or else on how hungry you feel. More is not always better. This dosage is not based on bodyweight.

Below are the recommended doses that are commonly used (international units):

  • 125
  • 150
  • 175
  • 200

Use the size of the vial of HCG powder to determine how much bacteriostatic water you’ll need. Here are some handy HCG Mixing Instructions.

Get Your HCG Mixing Kits Here

Here, we’ve explained how you can use HCG injections for weight loss. To benefit from them, you need to understand the steps laid out here on how to take HCG.

Home mixing kits make it easy for you to prepare your HCG shots. Reach out to us by phone or email for more information on how to buy your HCG mixing kits. As the first-ever company to offer them online, you know we’ve got you covered.

Order your HCG kits and get started on your journey to weight loss success.

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