Is HCG the Best Diet for Weight Loss? Here’s How Much Weight You Can Lose

Anyone looking to lose weight is inundated with a wide range of diets. There are hundreds of diets claiming to be the best diet for weight loss. In fact, at any one given time about one-third of Americans are dieting to some degree.

In and amongst all the noise there is one diet that is becoming increasingly popular: The HCG diet. It promises to strip away unbelievable amounts of unwanted weight in all the right places, in as little as 8 weeks.

But what exactly is this HCG diet, and is it the best diet plan for weight loss? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is the HCG Diet?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a naturally occurring hormone that is present in both men and women in small amounts. When a woman is pregnant her body produces more HCG than normal as it is essential for fetal development.

“How does this help me diet?” you might ask. Well, the same HCG can be injected into the body to cause appetite reduction and change our metabolism. It also encourages the body to use our fat stores for energy.

The HCG diet combines HCG injections with a low-calorie diet for between 3-6 weeks. Over the course of the diet, you’ll consume just 500 calories from specified foods daily. The diet restricts foods such as:

  • High-carb foods
  • Sugars
  • Dairy
  • Fats
  • Oils

At only 500 calories a day, it’s no surprise that individuals on the HCG diet can lose between one half to one pound of body fat each day while on the diet.

Is It the Best Diet for Weight Loss?

First of all, everyone is different. Some people will respond better than others to the HCG diet. But, as a general rule of thumb, you can expect to lose a minimum of 10lbs a month even if you’re not highly responsive.

Certain people definitely shouldn’t consider the HCG diet. Pregnant women and anyone battling hormone-type cancers are not suitable for the HCG diet.

As a general rule of thumb, if you have any health concerns it’s worth speaking with your doctor before trying the HCG diet. Remember, the use of HCG as a dieting aid is not approved by the FDA and should be approached with caution.

That being said, HCG certainly promises results. As far as diets as go, it could be the best diet for rapid fat loss. The use of HCG to facilitate such a large caloric deficit will certainly be effective in losing fat.

The diet can be easy to follow. With only a few simple rules, the diet is virtually the same for everyone. It might seem daunting at first, but once you’re in the swing of things, it’s fairly simple.

Find Out More About the HCG Diet

The HCG diet could very well be the best diet for weight loss. However, it is not something that should be taken lightly. 500 calories a day is around 1/4 of the recommended caloric intake. The HCG diet can be an excellent way to lose weight rapidly, but be sure to do your research. And only use trusted suppliers for anything related to your HCG injections.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the HCG diet, be sure to take a look at the rest of our blog. When you are ready to begin, you can order your HCG mixing supplies here.

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