Still Unsure of How to Undertake the HCG Diet?

If you haven’t heard of the HCG protocol, then you ought to know that this is the ideal diet that will save you the stress of starving yourself to death for the sake of eliminating the extra fats that have been consistently killing your dieting efforts.

Do not despair. With the HCG diet, expect to engage in fewer workouts, and minimal or no muscle engaging fitness programs at all. This is because this diet will allow you to adopt the best eating techniques that will help you build the new body you that you’ve been longing for. HCG can help redistribute the fat to the proper places on your body; sculpting an entire new body in place of the old you.

Get this right; having such good eating habits will not only keep you healthy, but will also aid in maintaining the new body weight that you’ve acquired with the HCG Diet plan. Yes, we agree, there are tons of recommended diets online that could probably work for you, but who doesn’t love to associate himself/herself with the best available?

Beware that the HCG Diet is always divided into two parts: the HCG product and the very low-calorie eating. Be selective when choosing the type of food to include in your diet, and as you do this, ensure that do not go past the set amount of 500 calories in a day.

You should go ahead and weigh the quantity of your food on a food scale to ascertain that it is the right amount that you are about to consume. Be precise.

Before commencing to consume the low-calorie foods, certify that you have your HCG product. It’s one of the vital essentials in this diet, and its purpose is to boost your energy level by accessing your body’s fat stores, so that you can maintain your normal activities while undergoing the weight loss process.

Also, if you have cancer, diabetes, gallbladder disease, or blood clots in your family, the HCG Diet may not be right for you. Stop using the medication immediately and check with your doctor Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers are also exempted.

This means that everyone who is planning to use the HCG Diet should first go through a thorough, in-depth medical evaluation to determine whether they are fit for use of HCG.

HCG Diet Details

During your day one and two of using the HCG Diet, eat foods that have high fats contents. Eat between 3000 to 4000 calories of dairy products, nuts and fried foods in a day. Do not restrict yourself. Eating fatty foods is a vital procedure that will help you to control your cravings after you’ve started the next chapter of doing away with such kinds of food. This is called the loading phase of the HCG Diet.

The next few weeks are bound to be hectic. You’ve got this! On the third day, you have to restrict your diet and eat a maximum of 500 calories per day. This could be tough, right? You will also have to maintain this eating pattern up to the 26th day while you are also taking the daily dosage of the HCG hormone.

Your cravings could intensify, but you can suppress them and keep yourself fit by drinking more than 64 ounces of water per day. The HCG helps to deal with cravings and hunger.

Scheduled Meals on the HCG Diet

You are to eat lunch and dinner and two other separate snacks each day during the HCG Diet. The recommended snacks should either be a melba toast (Alternative for a piece of bread) or one yummy fruit (choose one among a handful of strawberries, one medium-sized apple or orange, or a half grapefruit).

It is preferable if you divide your snacks between the two meals. Have the melba toast for lunch and consume the remaining selected fruit during or after dinner.

In the HCG Diet plan, it is also helpful to take vitamins to boost your system. Take a Vitamin D and Potassium supplement. The Potassium supplement should have a minimum of 99mg in it while the Vitamin D supplement should possess 1000 units. Ingest the Potassium supplement three times and the Vitamin D once in a day.

The HCG Lunch and Dinner

The proportion of the meat, vegetables, melba toast, and the fruit in your HCG Diet should be balanced. The chosen meat should be approximately 3.5 ounces with no added fats or bones. Include either skinless chicken breast, cold water fish, lobster, buffalo, or crab in the diet.

The meat should also not be fried with oil or butter, just grill or broil it. Add a little pepper, vinegar or salt to spice it up. Pickled fish, salmon, canned tuna, and deli meats aren’t fit for this diet. Avoid them as much as possible!

The rule still stands; no oil or butter should be added when preparing your vegetables and do not eat just one type of vegetable for all your meals. You can eat three cups of raw spinach, green salads, or beet greens. Red radishes (a cupful), onions (half a cup) and tomatoes (one medium size) are also ideal.

The HCG Phases

Dr. Simeons, the founder of the HCG Diet, divided the diet patterns into the three phases below.

  • Phase 1- This is the cleansing phase that can speed up your weight loss. It is a bit expensive and consumes a lot of time. (This phase was actually added by Kevin Trudeau in his book about the HCG Diet called “The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want you to Know About”.)
  • Phase 2- This phase is divided into three parts: the loading, the core diet, and the taper-off phase. This phase is meant to create awareness so that those on the diet can know its purpose. In the loading phase, you’ll have more intake of fats to replenish your fat reserves. In the core phase, you’ll continue the 500-calorie diet with the HCG hormone injections, and this should last up to 40 days. In the taper phase, you won’t take any of the HCG, but you will continue with the 500 calorie diet for three more days.
  • Phase 3- This is where the maintenance diet comes in. You will go back to eating a low carb diet and do away with the HCG Diet and the HCG Hormone. Eat as much as you want while maintaining your new weight within 2 pounds of your weight of the day of your last injection. You can proceed to start over again after 6 weeks off of HCG. If you need to lose more weight, this is called doing another round of HCG.


The HCG Diet plan is simple, but if you miss out on the little details then you will probably struggle on the plan. You won’t achieve the optimum results that you badly want. Abide by the scheduled meals to stay healthy and active. It can be done, just do your part by sticking to the plan closely to succeed.

Where do I get my HCG?

Many customers have asked us “Where do I get my HCG?” “Where do I purchase HCG?”

If you live inside the US, you know that you need a prescription to purchase HCG, or you need to purchase HCG from an online pharmacy outside of the US.

Many of our loyal customers know that we used to have links on our website to trusted online pharmacies.

Unfortunately, due to new regulations, we had to remove those links from our website.

You can contact us at 703-859-9303 or for more information.

Don’t forget – you’ll still need to get your HCG Supplies once you’ve ordered your HCG (medication). We can help with the HCG Supplies. Just check out our website or give us a call.