How to Lose Weight Faster on the HCG Diet

How to Lose Weight Faster on the HCG Diet

Maybe you have a wedding coming up. Perhaps you need to make weight for a fight. Whatever the case may be, you’re looking to lose weight fast.

There are a number of ways you can go about this. However, perhaps your best option is to use the HCG diet.

What’s the HCG diet, you ask? We’re going to get into that below, showing you the keys to fast weight loss. Here’s how to lose weight faster on the HCG diet.

What is the HCG Diet?

The HCG diet is a diet wherein the dieter consumes only around 500 calories a day. To offset the muscle loss that would typically be associated with such stringent calorie restrictions, HCG is used to put the body into an anabolic state. This causes the body to burn fat as opposed to muscle.

As a result, you can maintain your muscle mass, despite losing a pound or more a day over a prolonged period of time. The HCG diet is broken down into three phases, all of which we’ll discuss below.

Loading Phase

The loading phase lasts 2 to 3 days. During this phase, you should consume a great number of high-fat foods. You should also be taking HCG in some format. Injecting HCG is the most common method.

Weight Loss Phase

The loading phase prepares your body for the weight loss phase. This is a 3 to 6-week-long period during which you should only be eating around 500 calories per day. You should also be injecting HCG daily during this phase.

Maintenance Phase

During the maintenance phase, you should stop injecting HCG. You should also increase your caloric intake gradually from day to day, all the while doing your best to avoid weight gain, starches and sugars.

This phase should last around three weeks. Its purpose is to adjust your new metabolic rate to your newly obtained weight. If you fail to do this, your metabolism will slow, causing you to gain weight again.

The Benefits of the HCG Diet

The primary benefit of the HCG diet is fast loss of fat in the problematic areas. Depending on your circumstances, you can lose anywhere from 1 to 2 pounds per day while using this diet. Most other diets allow for no more than 2 pounds of weight loss per week.

But the HCG diet doesn’t just allow for quick weight loss. It allows for safe weight loss as well. So long as you’re following the guidelines, you can lose tremendous amounts of weight while maintaining high amounts of muscle and energy.

Finally, the HCG diet speeds up the metabolism. As such, it not only results in real-time weight loss but future weight loss as well.

And That’s How to Lose Weight Faster on the HCG Diet

And there it is; that’s how to lose weight faster on the HCG diet. Interested in facilitating quick weight loss by pursuing the HCG diet? If so, we here at HCG Supplies have you covered.

We sell all of the supply items you’ll need to engage in the HCG diet. This includes HCG injection syringes, HCG mixing vials, Bacteriostatic Water, HCG Mixing needles, HCG Mixing Syringes, Alcohol Prep Pads, and more. You can even get an HCG Kit customized to your needs.

Check out our selection of products now at HCGSupplies!

The Bottom Line on HCG Injections for Weight Loss: Is It Worth It?

The Bottom Line on HCG Injections for Weight Loss: Is It Worth It?

The Benefits of HCG Injections for Weight Loss

Weight is a problem for a lot of people today. About 39% of adults are overweight, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Carrying too much weight can lead to critical health issues, such as chronic pain, heart disease, and diabetes.

If this is the boat you’re in, you need to stack the deck in your favor to help you get the weight down. Many people have found success taking HCG injections for weight loss.

What are the benefits? Do they work? We’re happy to explain further.

Read on to learn as much as you can about HCG injections for weight loss.

The Weight Will Come Off Quickly

Patience is a virtue, but let’s be honest – we all would like to lose weight as quickly as possible. Taking diet HCG injections is helpful because you will start to see the pounds melt away quickly.

The HCG is mixed into bacteriostatic water, making it easy to absorb. This is similar to the sterile water that is used in insulin needles for diabetes injections.

You’ll get fast results with this bacteriostatic HCG solution, and your body will respond to the HCG shots quickly and effectively. Shop around for insulin syringes, so that the application suits you.

It Goes Hand in Hand With the Diet

Many people try out the HCG diet to go with their injections. This approach is two-pronged, including a 500 calorie diet, with two meals per day.

Adding syringes to the mix will help you get results. Look into an HCG diet menu to figure out which foods you should add to your plate.

Make sure that your diet has plenty of lean protein to help you build muscle and burn fat. Add in vegetables to make sure you’re also getting the clean nutrients that you need.

You Get a Hormone Boost

While people use HCG injections for weight loss, these injections are traditionally used for women’s fertility treatments. Your HCG diet injections could help in optimizing your testosterone and estrogen levels.

Stock up on some insulin syringes that will help you administer your HCG, so you can even out your hormone levels and appreciate the benefits that this brings. Many people also use HCG injections to appreciate the fat loss that comes with optimizing testosterone levels.

The Injections Provide Energy and Stamina

When you’re looking into an 500 calorie diet plan, you will love that your HCG injections will also give you an energy boost. You’ll have more pep in your step as you go about your day, which is great both for your quality of life and to get through your workouts.

You might also like throwing a B12 shot into the mix for an added boost of energy. Figure out your B12 injection sites, so you can administer however many you need.

Using HCG Injections for Weight Loss

The points above are helpful when you’d like to learn more about the benefits of using HCG injections for weight loss. Weight loss doesn’t have to be something you struggle with, especially since there are lots of products that can help.

HCG Supplies has everything that you need to get started. Just visit our website.

What Exactly Is the HCG Diet?

What Exactly Is the HCG Diet?

Have you heard of the hCG diet, if not, you’re probably wondering what it is? You’ve come to the right place, because not only are we going to tell you more about the hCG hormone, we’re going to let you know what you should eat during the hCG diet.

Get ready to jump right in after you’ve finished scrolling through this post.

What is the hCG Hormone?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is what hCG stands for. Typically, when you hear about this hormone, it’s because a woman is determining whether or not she’s pregnant.

Higher hCG levels are used to detect a pregnancy. it could also mean a host of other things. However, people are now beginning to turn to it as a means of dieting.

There are several places where you can find more information about the hCG diet to aid you as you move through each of the hCG diet phases.

Phases of the hCG Diet

As mentioned above, there are hCG diet phases you need to be aware of. The first phase is known as the loading phase.

During this stage of the diet, you’ll begin to take your hCG injections and eat foods that are higher in calories and higher in overall fat. Don’t worry; this diet phase doesn’t last long, and once it ends, you’ll move into the weight loss stage.

During this stage of the diet, you’ll still take your hCG diet injections, but you’ll decrease the number of calories you’re regularly consuming. After this, you’ll move into the last phase of your diet, known as the maintenance stage.

At this stage in the diet, you’ll no longer take your hCG injections, and over time you’ll increase the number of calories and food you consume. However, it’s important that you don’t eat foods that are overall starch or high in sugar. And keep a close eye on your weight, so you don’t gain while increasing your caloric intake after your weight loss is complete.

What Do You Eat on the hCG Diet?

This is a common question that people have before they begin the diet, and the answer is simple. When you sit down to have a meal, it should generally include:

  • A small fruit
  • 3.5 oz of protein
  • A leafy green vegetable

While you’re doing the diet, you need to focus on consuming water to stay hydrated and avoid sugar and butter. As you move through the diet, you might find yourself experiencing headaches or increased fatigue.

This is all a part of it because your body is adjusting to the change in calories and lack of sugar you’re taking in. Soon, it will subside.

The hCG Diet 101

When it comes to the hCG diet, there are several things you need to know. One of the first things we detailed for you is each stage of the diet and how your caloric intake will change as you continue to receive your hCG injections.

Are you ready to get more information that you need to have a successful diet? If so, there’s no other place to look beside the hCG Supplies Blog.

We’ve got tons of information you’re not going to want to miss.

And when you are ready to order your supplies for the diet, please visit HCGSupplies.

Understanding HCG Diet Phases: Loading, Weight Loss, and Maintenance

HCG Diet Phases

Did you know that about 50% of people made New Year resolutions to lose weight? If you, like so many others, are looking to lose weight and you’ve tried multiple fad diets with no success, you might be considering the HCG diet.

The HCG diet plan is one of the most popular and effective weight loss plans for sustainable and healthy weight loss. It can be a little daunting to consider, so if you’re looking to learn about the HCG diet phases and how to successfully hit and maintain your goal weight, read on!

What’s the HCG Diet?

HCG is short for human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone present in early pregnancy. The HCG diet is the use of this hormone and reduced calorie intake to lose weight safely.

HCG can boost metabolism, meaning you feel less hungry while cutting your calories. It’s also thought that HCG can minimize muscle loss and promote fat loss in the most difficult places on the body!

The HCG Diet Phases

This diet is usually broken up into three-phase to minimize the amount of time spent on low-calorie restriction and maximize weight loss. There is a preparation loading phase, the weight loss phase, and then the maintenance phase.

The Loading Phase

HCG phase one is where you start taking HCG but don’t cut your calories yet. Keep eating high-calorie, high-fat foods for two days. HCG takes a little bit of time to get into your system, so this phase allows HCG to take hold.

The Weight Loss Phase

HCG phase two is the most well-known and effective of the three phases of HCG dieting. In this phase, you continue the HCG injections daily and reduce your diet to 500 calories.

Usually, this means two meals, lunch and dinner, made up of lean protein, vegetables, and a little bit of fruit. Butter, oils, and sugar should be avoided completely.

During this time, exercise is discouraged due to the calorie restriction. Depending on your plan, you’ll be in this phase for three to six weeks.

This phase can be intimidating, but once you’ve gotten into a groove, it’s pretty easy to stick to if you don’t cheat at all! When you cheat, the hunger can return. Check out these tips for some suggestions to help you stay strong.

The Maintenance Phase

In HCG phase three, you stop taking the HCG and begin to raise your calorie intake. You’ve already detoxed, so you should try to continue your healthy mindset and eat whole, healthy foods.

Try to avoid slipping back into old habits. But, if you gain a bit of weight after the HCG diet, it’s no problem! You already know what to do, and you can easily repeat the diet down the line!

Try the HCG Diet for Yourself!

If you’re not convinced, give it a try! You’ll become a believer. Many people have been successful with this program and have kept the weight off for years.

The HCG diet phases take a bit of work to stick to, but they aren’t very long and lead to extreme, long-lasting results! Check out our supply shop for your HCG supply needs, and reach out with any questions!

5 HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful in Your Weight Loss Goals

5 HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful in Your Weight Loss Goals

Nearly half of all Americans have tried to lose weight within the last year. If you’re one of them, what can you do to make your weight loss journey more successful? Read on for HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful.

Have you considered the HCG diet? This type of program works with your body’s hormones to help you shed pounds more easily.

HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful

If you need to know the rules for the HCG diet, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll walk you through this weight loss concept and give you five HCG diet tips to boost your results.

What is the HCG Diet?

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It helps boost energy and beat fatigue by telling your body to burn your stored fat for fuel.

There are four different phases to the HCG diet. Phase one, you eat high-fat foods for a few days. For phase two, you cut back to 500 calories for up to six weeks while receiving daily HCG hormone injections.

Next, you transition back to a more regular calorie intake. And lastly, you learn how to maintain your new weight. Let’s look at the things you can do during the different phases to make sure you see the best results.

1. Go for High Quality Fats

For your first phase, it sounds like fun to eat as much high-fat and high-calorie foods as you want. To do it right, look for high-quality foods instead.

Don’t load up on junk food. Try fatty macadamia nuts, grass fed beef, wild caught salmon, avocados, and other delicious yet nutritious foods to stock your body’s fat stores.

2. Bacteriostatic Water Boost

To make your HCG diet a little easier to stick with, try using bacteriostatic water. This is sterile water that’s paired with 0.9% benzyl alcohol and is mixed with medicines for injection.

It dissolves powdered HCG and makes mixing it easier. Plus it has a long shelf life and is handy to have around.

3. Eat Slowly

When you’re in the low calorie phase, it can be difficult to power through. Chewing slowly and completely will help you feel fuller faster.

Make your meals count. Savor every bite and chew your food slowly to give your stomach time to adjust. The size of your stomach will reduce over time and you won’t require as much food volume to feel full.

4. Stay Hydrated

Another way to feel full without going over your caloric limits is to drink a lot of water. Many times your body tells you that it’s hungry when really you’re just thirsty. You may think your body is signaling hunger, when it is actually a signal for thirst. Listen carefully to your body and learn to tell the difference between the two.

Make sure you’re getting enough to drink. Flavor your water with low-calorie options like lemon, mint, or even cucumber to keep it interesting.

5. Mix it Up

Speaking of beating diet boredom, there are low-calorie ways to spice up your life — literally. Many spices outside of salt are flavorful and add minimal calories.

Change the way you eat your food to make it more interesting. For example, if you drink your (sugar free) coffee hot, try it iced or frozen.

More HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful

As you can see, these five HCG diet tips and tricks will help you navigate the hardest part of the diet, get you past the plateaus, and help you see the results you’re looking for. Check out these deals to find exactly what you need to make your HCG diet a success. And please visit HCG Supplies often for all of your diet needs.

HCG Diet Tips to Help You Be Successful.

3 Tasty Drink and Beverage Recipes for the HCG Diet

3 Tasty Drink and Beverage Recipes for the HCG Diet

More women than men in the United States struggle to lose weight.

HCG, which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone that is produced by a woman during pregnancy. The HCG diet consists of injecting this hormone while also limiting calorie intake for maximum weight loss.

When you’re on the HCG diet, it can be hard to find recipes that are within the guidelines that still taste good. Drinks and beverages specifically are a difficult category when you want to avoid sugar and alcohol.

If you want to try some yummy HCG diet-friendly beverage recipes, keep reading below to learn our tips on making them delicious.

1. Water With Lemon

This recipe can be as simple as adding a slice of lemon to a tall cold glass of tasty filtered water.

Use a fresh, organic lemon instead of one that has been sitting at the back of your fridge for the best taste. You could also add some cucumber if you want to change it up a little bit.

Another way to improve on this is to actually use warm water instead of cold. You can warm some water in a kettle or on the stovetop and add lemon for a warmer drink during cold months.

Be sure to dilute the lemon enough to protect your tooth enamel. Drink at least 8 to 12 ounces of water at a time with your lemon juice and only use enough for your taste. You also don’t want to use up your fruit limit for the day with this one drink.

2. Peppermint Tea

Many recipes for peppermint tea include honey, but it’s not needed to maximize the flavor!

You simply need to bring some water to a boil, either in a saucepan or in a kettle.

Once you’ve got a rolling boil going, turn the heat off. You will want to tear up your mint leaves and put them in the water.

Let this sit for about 5 minutes (or longer if you would prefer a strong flavor). After this, you can let it cool a bit longer as needed, strain, and it is ready to drink!

3. Black Coffee

Anyone can learn to like black coffee and making it correctly will make this task much easier.

To enjoy a nice cup of Joe on the HCG diet, you should consider alternatives to a traditional coffee maker. A French press, for instance, can produce a great flavor.

To use a French press and produce the best coffee, you’ll need to:

  1. Preheat the French press
  2. Weigh out your coffee grounds and water
  3. Add coffee grounds and water to the French press
  4. Put on the lid with the plunger attached and let it sit for 4-5 minutes
  5. Slowly push the plunger down into the coffee
  6. Decant the coffee for a few minutes
  7. Serve in your favorite mug

Although this may sound like a lot of work, it pays off when you have coffee that you actually will enjoy! Doing some research on using a French press can be beneficial as well if this is the first time you’ve tried it.

Consider grinding your own coffee beans for a fresher taste. Be sure to buy high-quality beans as well if the taste is your main concern because you do get what you pay for!

Ready to Try These HCG Diet Beverage Recipes?

With these beverage recipes on hand, you can stick to your diet and still enjoy your drinks.

Do you want to learn more about the approved foods for someone on the HCG diet? If so, check out this article on our website to learn more.

When you’re ready to begin the diet, you can order your HCG Supplies here.

5 Little Known HCG Diet Secrets for Losing the Most Weight

hcg diet tips

Are you looking to start the HCG diet, but are afraid of failing at it?

Failure and dieting are two things that often go hand in hand. In fact, it’s estimated that 95 percent of all diets fail.

Luckily, a lot of people have found long-term success with the HCG diet.

However, if you’re going to start the HCG diet, there are some things you need to know to increase your chances of success and to increase your weight loss.

Check out this guide to learn the top HCG diet tips for losing the most weight.

1. Stick to High-Fiber Foods

With the HCG diet, your caloric intake is meant to be very low- around 500 calories per day. When you consider that the average person eats 1500-2500 calories per day, you can see just how low a number 500 really is.

Because the calorie count is so low, it’s very important that you make every calorie you consume count. Sticking to a high-fiber diet is your best bet, as fiber is a nutrient that helps keep your body full for longer periods of time.

Plus, foods rich in fiber are easy to digest and they help your body eliminate toxins and fats.

2. Drink the Right Beverages

Drinking green tea is another great way to boost your weight-loss efforts on the HCG diet.

Studies show that green tea boosts your metabolism and promotes weight loss, so we recommend drinking at least 2 cups of it per day. Plus, green tea comes with a lot of other benefits besides promoting weight loss. For example, it’s extremely high in antioxidants, which means it can help your body flush out toxic chemicals.

Other than green tea, you should also make sure you’re drinking plenty of water on the HCG diet. Water also helps curb hunger and flush out harmful toxins.

3. Don’t Wait Until You’re Ravenous

Because you’re under such a strict caloric intake, it’s very important that you plan the timing of your meals wisely when on the HCG diet.

If you wait until you feel like you’re starving to consume your first meal, then there’s a good chance that you’re going to consume unhealthy foods and overeat.

We suggest planning your meals out for the next day the night before and planning when you’re going to consume each meal.

4. Meditate

Stress and anxiety can cause your diet to quickly derail. This is why we suggest meditating (or some other activity that helps you relax) while on the HCG diet.

In fact, studies show that meditation can have a powerful effect on your motivation and focus towards achieving your weight loss goals.

Even just 5 minutes of meditation per day can work wonders for you.

HCG Diet Tips: Are You Ready to Get Started?

Now that you have these HCG diet tips in mind, it’s time to get started on your journey.

If you enjoyed this article about the secrets to improving your diet, be sure to check out this post on how the HCG diet plan works to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Bacteriostatic Water and its Use in HCG

Bacteriostatic Water Vials

What is Bacteriostatic Water?

Chances are if you are about to begin your journey with the HCG Diet Protocol you may be wondering what bacteriostatic water is, and why it is important to incorporate it into the HCG hormone delivery.

Simply put, bacteriostatic water is water specially cleaned or filtered for the purpose of medical use. Completely sterile, it contains 0.9% Benzyl alcohol designed to prevent the formation of microbes developing in what is basically a carrier solution for the administration of the injectable hormone, HCG.

It goes without saying that injecting any substance using contaminated water solution will lead to major medical problems. Purchasing your bacteriostatic water from a reputable online source, equipped with updated information, such as HCG Supplies will ensure you are injecting a clean solution.

What Does it Look Like?

Typically arriving in a flip-top plastic vial, bacteriostatic water is not pressurized. With a typical shelf life around 1 year to 18 months unopened; it should be immediately refrigerated after opening, with the remainder discarded after 28 days.

Can I Use Sterile Water instead of Bacteriostatic Water for HCG?

While sterile water can be great for some things, bacteriostatic water is the most recommended means with which to transport the hormone into your system. Sterile water is for mixing a single dose to be injected all at once, since it has no bacteriostatic properties. Bacteriostatic water can be used to mix a multi-dose mixture to be used for up to 28 days.

Safety First

Most likely, you will be administering your HCG hormone shots at home in a nonclinical environment. Sterile water, while on the surface, should suffice; it is only sterile until a foreign micro-organism is introduced into the solution.

In plain terms, we cannot see micro-organisms with the naked eye. The cat dander, the dust mites in the bedroom from dog hair. That sneezed into tissue your six-year-old left on the kitchen table. All the daily activities and incidentals that we don’t even think about that take place at home, would never take place in a doctor’s office.

So, at home, sterile water is subjected to too much risk of contamination. Bacteriostatic water, however, containing benzyl alcohol makes for a better choice, especially for use at home when using a mixture intended for multiple injections.

Bacteriostatic Water Close Up

Cleaned and sterilized, any microrganisms are removed from the water, rendering it sterile. At this point, the 0.9% blending of benzyl alcohol is introduced, Thus completely sanitizing the water and protecting it from the growth of bacteria.

Administering the Bacteriostatic Water:

With an alcohol pad, wipe the rubber stopper on the empty mixing vial, the HCG medication vial, and the Bacteriostatic Water vial. Check to make certain any use-by dates are still good on both the HCG and the Bacteriostatic Water.

If in any doubt, DO NOT USE!

Next, slowly draw back the plunger on the mixing syringe until the volume of air drawn into the mixing syringe rises to the volume of water to be withdrawn from the Bacteriostatic Water vial.

Inserting the mixing needle into the top of the Bacteriostatic Water vial, introduce the air from the mixing syringe into the Bacteriostatic Water vial. Finally, withdraw the mixing needle from the Bacteriostatic Water vial.

Next, with the empty mixing vial, insert the mixing needle, you can now withdraw the amount of equivalent air to the measure of Bacteriostatic Water you wish to infuse into the empty mixing vial. This may sound complicated at first, however, the experience will teach you what the correct amounts look like. Additionally, you should also check out further how-to information available on your HCG Supplies website.

Now you are ready to withdraw the mixing needle from the empty mixing vial. Both vials should now be pressurized and arranged to exchange the liquids more effectively.

Preparing for the Injection

Utilizing the mixing syringe, insert the mixing needle into the Bacteriostatic Water vial and withdraw the intended volume of Bacteriostatic Water. Withdraw the mixing needle.

Insert the mixing needle into the HCG medication vial. Infuse a limited quantity of Bacteriostatic Water to reconstitute the powdered HCG. It doesn’t make a difference precisely the amount Bacteriostatic Water that you infuse here – 0.5 ml is fine. The powder dissolve right away.

Invert the HCG medication vial and withdraw every drop of liquid into the syringe. In order to recover the majority of HCG hormone into the syringe, make sure the tip of the needle is practically even with the rubber stopper. Withdraw the mixing needle.

Insert the mixing needle into the vacant mixing vial and infuse the majority of the liquid into the unfilled mixing vial. Withdraw the mixing needle. Presently your solution is blended for injections.

Discard all waste in an appropriate waste repository, notably a receptacle suitable for sharps, or needles. Keep away from all pets and children. Do not reuse needles. Discard the Bacteriostatic Water and the blended solution around 28 days later.

Each time you do an injection, make a point to clean the top of the mixing vial and the injection site with an alcohol pad. Utilizing another injection syringe each time you inject will help maintain a sterile and safe injection.

Draw back the plunger on your injection syringe until the volume of air approaches the volume of the solution you intend to inject. Insert the needle into the mixing vial and inject the air into the mixing vial. Invert the mixing vial and withdraw the volume of solution that you intend to inject. Withdraw the needle from the mixing vial. Hold the needle pointing upward and tap on the syringe barrel until any air bubbles have ascended to the top of the syringe. Push on the plunger to oust all air from the syringe. At this point, you are prepared to inject.

Again, discard all waste in the appropriate container, preferably one suitable to house sharps.

Performing this procedure correctly and in the most sanitary way possible is important for the success of the HCG Diet Protocol. Speaking with your primary care physician, you may be able to arrange daily visits to your doctor for the injections to be professionally administered. Alternatively, if you feel comfortable performing the injections yourself, you may do so. Making sure, instructions are meticulously followed can help you achieve a successful outcome.

HCG Diet Phase Four. Welcome to Food!

Congratulations! You made it. You absolutely did it. What a journey it has been. From the early days of Phase One, when, in between bites of anything you wanted, you wondered what Phase Two would be like. To the re-imagining of yourself during Phase Three when you carefully began redesigning your eating habits toward a more permanent, balanced lifestyle.

Here you are at Phase Four of your HCG Diet Protocol. Awesome.

But wait! What exactly is Phase Four? Does this mean there are more restrictions? Do I have to up my intake of the HGC hormone? Do I have to eat a plate full of weird looking green pasta from a health shop?

No. Because Phase Four is all about re-entering the so called real world of food, and learning to make educated, healthy choices during normal dining experiences with friends and family.

Getting Out Again

During the three previous phases, chances are, you might have stayed home a bit more. Particularly if this was your first time cycling through the diet plan. Outside of any lunch breaks with your co-workers, you might have felt a bit odd sitting in a restaurant, turning down just about everything on the menu, much to the annoyance of family and friends.

Phase Three meant you were able to start re-introducing certain foods back into your diet, while watching for carb, dairy, and sugar sensitivities, their reaction on your weight, and overall wellbeing. Phase Three was also about slowly rebuilding your daily caloric intake, finally bringing you to around 1,500 calories per day depending on the demands of your lifestyle; highly physical or fairly sedentary.

Think of Phase Four as the phase without an end. This is how you eat going forward. Essentially, now you are responsible for maintaining a healthy weight and to continue figuring out what meals are best going to help you stay on goal.

For some dieters, this can seem intimidating. The previous three phases offered the support of a structure. No matter how many times we might have railed against the caloric restriction, or the Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) shots, now we are standing out there alone; we appreciate the structure we once had.

Maintenance Level

No diet comes without maintenance. The HCG Diet Protocol helped get you to your goal. The goal however, is not to remain at Phase Three or Phase Two forever. It is important to continue making the healthy choices at the right portions similar to the final week of Phase Three where you reached almost 2,000 calories per day.

Fail to maintain and you could be pulling those fat jeans back out of the closet again!

Maintenance though, does not have to be a challenge. Think about it, just being on the HGC Diet Protocol, you are already aware of what you are putting into your body and how it affects your mood, water retention and other factors. During Phase Three where a careful reintroduction of food types took place, you might have discovered a sensitivity to some foods. Prior to being on the diet, you were unaware of the negative effects on your body that certain foods may have had, due in large part to their being just lumped in with everything else you were eating at that time.

Now, with greater awareness, you have a default structure built in, and it is this structure that will maintain your path to continued success.

Still a Diet?

Don’t think of Phase Four as a diet per se. You are literally eating for life. As in better long-term health with more energy to do the things you enjoy doing. Eating well through nutritiously dense calories packed with protein, vitamins, and micro nutrients just makes sense!

So, instead of telling people you are on a diet, tell them, this is your diet instead. Far more empowering, giving you more control over how you view the new lifestyle emerging from your weight loss.

Check your Labels

Restrict all processed foods as much as possible, but if you absolutely must, check labels for salt, fats, and sugar. Go for fresh and if possible, organic every time. Allow a little extra time for grocery shopping, so you can check labels. Salad dressings are notorious for high sugar in the form of fructose. Oil or vinegar-based dressings are always going to be better for you.

Stay clear of fast food restaurants, and avoid simple carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, bleached flour, rice, and sugary foods. Anything that is refined. As you introduce foods back into your digestive system, opt for whole grain, fresh fruit, and vegetables. In fact, your carbohydrates should ideally come from these.

Research on line for foods that you like, as well as recipes. Check your HCG Supplier for recipe downloads and tips. Nowadays there are some great savory and sweet food combination ideas for just about every diet out there. HCG is no exception!

Join an on-line HCG Diet support group where you and others can share your HCG Protocol journey along with others. Groups can be a great support, especially if you have fallen off a little bit during a special occasion.

Treat Yourself!

Not with food! Now that you have squeezed into your ideal size, it might be tempting to throw everything aside for a day or two and indulge. After all, you tell yourself; you have earned it!

While, undoubtedly you have, indulging in carbs and sugary foods will only lead to feelings of self-doubt and guilt later on. Not to mention the possible revisiting of a pound or two or more.

Instead, treat yourself to a new dress or a new pair of jeans. Something that makes you feel good and showcases the dedication you have put into transforming your life.

Get Appy

Apps and websites are great resources to help you stay on track. Phase Four is all about setting up for continued success, so yes, there will be calorie counting. Apps and websites can give you a complete calorie, fat, and nutritional breakdown of each of the different foods you want to eat. If possible, download one or two of these apps onto your device or smart phone, so that no matter where you eat, you remain in control of your healthy lifestyle.

So here we are. Phase Four. Reach out to your HCG supplier for information about meal planning, recipe ideas, and calorie counting.

You have come this far. You’ve got this. Trust me.

Life After Phase Two: Embracing Phase 3 of the HCG Diet

You have stuck at it! — The first two phases of the HCG Diet. Let’s recap quickly. Phase One where you front loaded as many calories as you wanted, was probably the best two or three days of the diet so far. Tainted only by your concerns regarding Phase Two; the caloric restrictions, and maybe the odd worry about how you would fare during this time.

But you got through it. By now, after several weeks on Phase Two you should notice more energy, and less craving for sugary foods and starches. Additionally, the headaches you might have experienced at the beginning of Phase Two, as your body adjusted to the caloric restrictions, may have gone now. Overall, you may be feeling more energized than you have felt in a long while.

So, you are about to enter Phase Three of your HCG Diet. This is where we begin re-introducing certain foods back into our food choices. Because we have cut out so many of the foods during the HCG Protocol, this is a great time to pay close attention to the way your body feels, i.e bloated, or less energy as you reintroduce small portions of the food back into your diet. After eating certain foods, any departure from an overall sense of wellbeing could indicate a food sensitivity, and one that may best be avoided as you move beyond the HCG Diet Protocol.

As always, whenever there are medical questions concerning your health or response to food, seek medical advice.

An Important Phase

Phase Three can be a volatile period simply because your body is now beginning to readjust to something closer to normal eating patterns. Think of this phase of as the start of eating for life. It is very important therefore to continue a disciplined approach to food choices. From this day forward you are committing to healthy food portions, and choices that reflect your health and wellness goals.

Think about it for a moment. Your body has just experienced profound weight loss over a very short period of time. You may have lost anywhere between 20 to 50 pounds! Now here’s the important thing to remember. With most extreme weight loss diets as soon as the dieter resumes normal eating habits, the weight piles back on, with likely even more on top.

Because during your diet, you incorporated HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, hormone into your diet plan, muscle loss will be negative compared with most diets following similar caloric restrictions. Muscle helps burn calories, helping to support a higher metabolism. In short, so long as you continue to observe the recommended food choices while on the Protocol, your weight should remain stable to within a pound or two.

Why a Third Phase?

As mentioned above, assuming you remained true to the Dr. Simeons’ protocol, you have lost a significant amount of weight. Phase Three is intended to accomplish three things:

  1. To help stabilize your weight after losing a large amount.
  2. Give your digestion a chance to adjust itself back to more normal eating habits.
  3. To help you pin down possible food sensitivities, any of which may have contributed to the weight gain, bloating, and lethargy that took you down the HCG path to begin with!

Size Does Matter

On-line searches fail to present a particularly united front on the amount of food or caloric intake on Phase Three, leading many to fear a return of the weight they worked so hard to lose. What is clear, is Dr Simeons, the founder of the HCG Diet Protocol, realized there were dieters who, having consumed only 500 calories per day for three weeks, were afraid to leave Phase Two for fear of weight gain.

What is clear is that portion size generally, has increased since Dr. Simeons’ day , so we may need to take a look at just how much food we are putting onto our plates. This is a good guide going forward anyway, since, particularly in America, there is a tendency toward filling our plates to the edge, leading to the inevitable consumption of more than we really need.

Aside from the obvious commitment to the removal of sugars or starches from our diet, consider putting less food onto the plate. To get used to this, place your food onto a smaller plate. A plate reserved normally for salads, for example would do fine. Purely from a psychological perspective, if your plate is full, your brain will think you have the same amount of food as a large plate!

This approach might also be a helpful tool in resetting your digestion. Generally speaking, following on from caloric restriction, the body is not particularly well equipped to consume large amounts of food straight away. By adding food back into your body in smaller portions, your digestive organs will be better able to cope.

Ask yourself. Would you immediately go from a 10 day juice cleanse straight to the fried chicken counter? The correct answer of course is, oh, no I wouldn’t. Of course not! Even if you did, I bet you might feel quite sick afterwards.

Counting Calories

The reality is, in one way or another, either literally, or through an educated guess regarding portion size; calorie counting is going to be part of your healthy eating and weight maintenance program going forward. During Phase Three there is the opportunity to create food choice and preparation habits that will last far beyond the HCG Diet Protocol.

Caloric additions over the Phase Three period last approximately three weeks. The guide below could be a useful tool when attempting to work out the appropriate number of calories to consume during each week of the phase.

  1. Week 1: 900-1000 Calories per day
  2. Week 2: 1100-1200 Calories per day
  3. Week 3: 1300-1450 Calories per day.

These numbers serve for guide purposes only. A person experiencing above normal physical activity or stress as part of their job or family situation may find they need to adjust accordingly.
As always, if you have concerns or questions, speak to your family doctor.

Food Choices

Other than the obvious sensible eating, it is not the intent of this post to venture into the specific: Do’s and Don’t’s of eating this or that. The simple fact of the matter is, there are as many food choices and suggestions out there, as there are food sensitivities or preferences and opinions standing behind them!

I could encourage healthy fats through the consumption of peanuts, only to be told you are allergic to peanuts. The same with the excellent protein to be found in shrimp. Only to learn you’re deathly allergic to shrimp. Steak then? You’re vegetarian. See? I’m scratching my head!

Rather, independent research should be encouraged, and I suggest as much here. Check your HCG Diet Protocol provider for recipe ideas and downloads. The bottom line is, eat the food that is as close to nature as possible within the caloric range, and that you are able to physically tolerate. As mentioned earlier; you may find during Phase Three that you are not able to tolerate some of the foods you ate before. Or you may find that a particular food was the food, guilty of making you bloat.

The obvious caution where fats are concerned is to eat healthy fats. Fat found in a brazil nut is a far cry from the fats found in a bag of potato chips or oven fries. Sugars? Keep those to a minimum too. Your calories need to be healthy calories. The carbs and sugar in a bagel are better than those in a chocolate donut. But a banana beats both of those.

Be mindful of where your calories are coming from and adjust.

Your body is going to respond differently than the next body. Some combinations of carbs and fats may wreak havoc on one, and not another. Leading me back home to my original point.

Keep at it. Like every goal worth pursuing, it takes time, patience and the development of knowledge along the way. But you have made it this far. Congratulations. Be proud and celebrate the new version of you.