What Exactly Is the HCG Diet?

What Exactly Is the HCG Diet?

Have you heard of the hCG diet, if not, you’re probably wondering what it is? You’ve come to the right place, because not only are we going to tell you more about the hCG hormone, we’re going to let you know what you should eat during the hCG diet.

Get ready to jump right in after you’ve finished scrolling through this post.

What is the hCG Hormone?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is what hCG stands for. Typically, when you hear about this hormone, it’s because a woman is determining whether or not she’s pregnant.

Higher hCG levels are used to detect a pregnancy. it could also mean a host of other things. However, people are now beginning to turn to it as a means of dieting.

There are several places where you can find more information about the hCG diet to aid you as you move through each of the hCG diet phases.

Phases of the hCG Diet

As mentioned above, there are hCG diet phases you need to be aware of. The first phase is known as the loading phase.

During this stage of the diet, you’ll begin to take your hCG injections and eat foods that are higher in calories and higher in overall fat. Don’t worry; this diet phase doesn’t last long, and once it ends, you’ll move into the weight loss stage.

During this stage of the diet, you’ll still take your hCG diet injections, but you’ll decrease the number of calories you’re regularly consuming. After this, you’ll move into the last phase of your diet, known as the maintenance stage.

At this stage in the diet, you’ll no longer take your hCG injections, and over time you’ll increase the number of calories and food you consume. However, it’s important that you don’t eat foods that are overall starch or high in sugar. And keep a close eye on your weight, so you don’t gain while increasing your caloric intake after your weight loss is complete.

What Do You Eat on the hCG Diet?

This is a common question that people have before they begin the diet, and the answer is simple. When you sit down to have a meal, it should generally include:

  • A small fruit
  • 3.5 oz of protein
  • A leafy green vegetable

While you’re doing the diet, you need to focus on consuming water to stay hydrated and avoid sugar and butter. As you move through the diet, you might find yourself experiencing headaches or increased fatigue.

This is all a part of it because your body is adjusting to the change in calories and lack of sugar you’re taking in. Soon, it will subside.

The hCG Diet 101

When it comes to the hCG diet, there are several things you need to know. One of the first things we detailed for you is each stage of the diet and how your caloric intake will change as you continue to receive your hCG injections.

Are you ready to get more information that you need to have a successful diet? If so, there’s no other place to look beside the hCG Supplies Blog.

We’ve got tons of information you’re not going to want to miss.

And when you are ready to order your supplies for the diet, please visit HCGSupplies.

How Does the HCG Diet Work? The Science Behind the Diet

Celebrating Weight Loss

Are you trying to shed some pounds?

If so, you may have looked into multiple types of diets. Many diets tout different health claims and claim you can lose multiple pounds in a single month. However, diets often do not deliver on their claims.

The HCG diet is an effective solution known to help people lose weight. So, how does the HCG diet work?

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is the HCG Diet?

The HCG diet is an extreme, low-calorie plan that can help you lose up to a pound a day. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin which is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body.

HCG is produced during pregnancy and is necessary for fetal development. It is thought that HCG promotes weight loss by signaling the body to burn its own fat stores first.

This hormone enables people to lose weight without feelings of hunger, weakness, or fatigue. HCG, which is administered through injections, causes appetite reduction while signaling the body to burn fat stores for energy instead of its own muscle tissue.

The benefits of these injections, aside from weight loss, include a boost in energy levels, muscle preservation, and positive mood.

How Does the HCG Diet Work?

The HCG hormone, as previously mentioned, promotes weight loss while boosting the metabolism and energy levels. The diet plan is broken down into 4 different phases: the loading phase, weight loss phase, the transition phase, and the maintenance phase.

During the loading phase, you can eat anything you like for the first 2 days but you should focus on foods with a high fat content. You will also begin your HCG injections. This combination of fat-loading and injections will change the way your body views its stores of fat and kick starts your weight loss journey.

During the weight loss phase, you will lower your calorie intake down to 500. During this extreme calorie restriction, you should not eat any fats. You will do this for 3 to 6 weeks.

As long as you follow the parameters of this diet and use the HCG injections, you will see rapid weight loss. From here, you will begin the transition phase.

When you’re in the transition phase, which lasts about one month, you will learn how to transition back to your normal lifestyle. You will eventually bring your calorie intake up to around 1,500 calories per day. You should avoid starch, sugar, milk, and fat.

The maintenance phase essentially lasts the rest of your life. In order to maintain your new weight, you should keep sugar, starch, carbs, milk, fat, and processed food intake as low as you can. You can always revisit phase one if you decide you need to go through the diet again. Monitor your weight closely and if you start to gain, get it under control very quickly.

Check out this list of foods approved for the HCG diet to guide your new lifestyle.

Are You Interested in Starting the HCG Diet?

We hope this article has answered your question, “How does the HCG diet work?”

Instead of searching, or trying, multiple types of diets that could backfire, consider trying the HCG diet.

To get started with the HCG diet, check out our HCG mixing and injection kits. This kit is essential for you to start your journey to weight loss. HCG is sold separately. You can also check out the rest of our website for more supplies like diet books, HCG accessories, and more.

HCG Injections: How They Work to Promote Weight Loss

HCG Injections: How They Work to Promote Weight Loss

Being overweight lowers your self-esteem and prevents you from living your best life. Not only does it drain your confidence, but obesity is a severe and costly disease.

According to 2015-2016 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 39.8% of adults over the age of 20 were obese, and 71.6% were overweight.

That is a problem.

While weight loss can be difficult, there are ways to make it less strenuous on your body and mind. HCG injections and a low-calorie diet can lead you to the weight loss results you’re looking for.

The Link Between HCG Injections and Weight Loss

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It is a hormone that is naturally produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

HCG injections can be used as a weight-loss supplement. HCG dosage for weight loss dose depends on your sex, diet, and goals. The injections are for both men and women.

The injections contain bacteriostatic water. This cleaned and filtered water is completely sterile and contains 0.9% Benzyl alcohol. Bacteriostatic water prevents microbe formation during HCG injections. The water allows for safe and healthy HCG injections.

HCG resets your metabolism to help people lose weight without feeling hungry, weak, or tired. The injections suppress appetite and allow the body to burn fat instead of muscle.

Positive side effects of HCG injections include higher energy levels, muscle toning, and an elevated mood.

HCG injections are relatively painless. Doses are administered in the comfort of your home. Users can choose the needle length and syringe size.

People can lose as much as one pound per day by following the HCG diet and receiving regular injections.

What Is the HCG Diet?

Pair your HCG injections with the HCG diet for optimal weight loss results. How does the HCG diet work? It helps people maintain a low-calorie lifestyle to drop pounds quickly.

The HCG diet focuses on eating 500 calories per day. It involves two meals, usually lunch and dinner. Each meal should contain a vegetable, a fruit, a serving of bread, and protein.

Prime examples of HCG-approved foods include:

  • Celery
  • Berries
  • Apples
  • Melba toast
  • Onions
  • Sliced turkey
  • Leafy greens
  • Fish (mainly white fish)
  • Skinless chicken breast
  • Crab and shrimp

On the other hand, HCG dieters should steer clear of fatty fish, like salmon and tuna. Avoid nuts, sugar, oils, and potatoes. While you should eliminate butter, you can go wild with other seasonings like salt, vinegar, and mustard.

The HCG diet allows people to drink tea and coffee, but sugar and cream are not recommended. It’s essential to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water while dieting.

Learn More About HCG for Weight Loss

HCG and weight loss go hand-in-hand; combining a low-calorie diet with HCG injections leads to fast, safe, and long-lasting weight loss results.

If you’re looking for more on HCG injections and how to drop those extra pounds, we’ve got you covered. Explore our blog to learn about delicious HCG recipes, HCG diet secrets, and how HCG can enhance more than just your waistline.

Start with this article about how losing weight can transform your life!

Boost Your HCG Results by Following these Two Phases First

HCG 101

So. you’re onboard, super excited and ready to get going with your HCG Diet! Congratulations! We know you’re going to look amazing. You might even have your HCG Supplies — syringes, vials, and bacteriostatic water on the way! Rest assured our on line ordering and delivery is secure, quick and confidential.

Right now though, while you’re anxious to get going, you might have a question or two. That’s understandable.

How HCG Works

The HCG hormone forms the back bone to a successful HCG Diet plan. The use of the hormone HCG, via injection forms part of the four phase diet or lifestyle- change plan, also known as Dr. Simeons’ Protocol. The hormone, which reduces hunger cravings and encourages the burning & redistribution of fat (not muscle) during the most intense Phase 2 of the diet, should be taken according to Dr. Simeons’ instructions. The retention of muscle during the weight loss phase plays an instrumental role in preventing weight from ‘coming back’ once you’ve successfully lost the desired weight, and entered into the Phase 4, or Maintenance mode.

Diet Phases

Subdivided into four parts; the HCG Diet plan gives you the opportunity to phase in the diet, something not all diet programs offer. After the Phase 1, front loading phase, you’ll enter Phase 2; this is where the real results start. Careful caloric restriction paves the way for significant weight loss. The remaining phases; phase 3 and phase 4, the final, lifestyle phase, we’ll talk about next time!

Eat as Much as You Want!

Welcome to Phase 1, also known as Loading Days. Eat everything you want! Eat as much as you want! Eat all the things you are likely to miss. This can include cookies, ice cream, candy and other goodies. French fries? Go for it! This phase will last about three days. Stock up on the inside!

Is This a Good Time?

Ideally, you should take your HCG hormone per instructions at the same time each day. Taking your HCG hormone on your weekend schedule after a half-day lie-in, for example, is not going to reflect a daily work schedule that puts you on the road at 6.00am. The important thing is to make it work for you.
As with all successful endeavors, some forward planning and consistency is key.

Five Hundred and Counting!- Phase 2

Beginning on day three is where you start restricting your caloric intake for the appropriate amount of time according to the weight you wish to lose. A person needing to lose 50lbs or more is likely going to want to take the maximum amount of time on each phase. Hopefully, you will have referred to your list of allowable foods during this phase and not winging it on the last minute, on your way out the door to work.

Keep preparation at the front of your mind. It is worth repeating, preparation really is the key to your success!

Aside from drinking lots of water, begin your day with coffee as normal. Milk in your coffee is allowed, however, no more than one teaspoon of milk per day. Sugar is not allowed, however Stevia is. One packet or one serving per cup. Remember, you are watching your caloric intake. Reserve your calories for nutrient rich foods at meal time.

The Lunch Bunch

Schedule your lunch time! Missing meals will likely lead to binge eating tons of carbs and refined sugars somewhere around 2.00pm. Remember, you are eating for energy. Nutritious foods are a must.

Healthy Options

Be honest. If healthy options are not easy to obtain during working hours, prepare your lunch beforehand. You are permitted to eat 100 grams of protein per day. This can come from chicken, fish, veal, crabmeat, and beef. Choose the lowest fat content possible. Salmon, being high in fat, can easily be replaced with wild-caught Tilapia which is lower in fat and provides an excellent source of protein.

Grab your Broccoli

Remember your veggies at lunch time. You are permitted to have one vegetable at lunch time. This can be broccoli, spinach, cucumber, cabbage, or lettuce. Refer to your list of HCG food list for each of the four phases.

Daily Bread

Great news! You can have a carb! A bread stick or a slice of melba toast. No garlic salt or other flavorings. No stuck on sesame seeds! Those are extra calories. Remember; ask yourself. Are these calories worth it, as they relate to nutrient rich calories your body needs?


Last on the lunch time menu is a piece of fruit. This must be a plain piece of fruit. Not something served on top of a cheesecake or under cream. That was Phase One, remember? By now, it might feel like a distant dream. But hang in there; you’re doing great! A good fruit choice is a crisp apple, a fresh half grapefruit, or a handful of ripe strawberries.

You Did It!!

Wow! You made it through lunch time and did great! Hang in there. There’s a healthier and more active version of you, who can’t wait to congratulate you, and thank you for all your efforts during this phase.

Grab Dinner!

Yep. But not really. The same as lunch, planning ahead is paramount. This is not a time to cheat by grabbing some fried chicken on the way home because the kids have practice and traffic’s already backed up. Either have someone else pick up the kids if possible; or have your dinner already prepared at home. Grab n’ go if you must. But dinner is it.

Dinner will consist of the same, or similar to your lunch. This is where you can eat the other half of your protein, another vegetable from your food list, and the apple for desert, because you had strawberries at lunch time.


By this time, you might consider a cup of black coffee, a treat. Go ahead, drink it. But keep it black and sugar free!

Keep at It!

Keep going. You’re committed and doing really great. View our support online, be inspired by the success stories of other HCG Dieters who started their journey much like you; wanting a change for the better.

Get Motivated. Stay Motivated. You’re Not Alone.

When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.


Remember the New Year? Yes, that thing a few weeks ago when the ball dropped, and New York, along with the rest of America, sang and cheered for 2019. Somewhere in a room full of celebration and left-over Christmas good cheer, you made the decision to get fit. Maybe you stuffed your face with one last handful of chocolate covered pretzels before embarking on your 500 calorie diet. Perhaps that morning as you lay on the bed, shoving fifty pounds worth of excess belly into a pair of skinny jeans, you decided enough was enough. That this was going to be your year, no matter what. You decided that you were going to lose weight.

And Then What Happened?

And then comes that first wet Wednesday morning. It is February after all. Cold, depths of winter. Dark nights, equally dark mornings. You might even be shoveling snow on the driveway. Trying to decide if the car outside your door is actually rehearsing for a Japanese ice sculpture exhibition; or if indeed, it is still just a car.

Hardly the run up to the HCG Diet of the Year award, if there was one. Nope, you’re more likely to reach for a plate of steak, potatoes, and corn bread, followed by a long winter’s nap. Who wants to mix a ‘refreshing’ smoothie? You might as well ask for cold soup!

The Numbers

Statistically, more people renew life style or personal fitness commitments in January than at any other time of year. Two weeks in however, almost fifty percent of New Year Resolutions are shoved into the back of the closet along with the tennis shoes. Why? Possibly, because it is winter, and as descendants of ancient man, we should be conserving energy and stuffing our faces with fists full of carbs, not counting how many calories in a stem of broccoli, and running ten miles before driving to work.

The Upside

Okay, so here is the other side of the coin. Remember that nearly fifty percent chuck it all in for some late night TV and a bag of chips and ranch dip? Well, what about the other fifty percent? The ones that do go on to successfully complete their goals? The ones who others will look at six months from now and ask; how did you do it?

Getting on Track

What is your reason, The big WHY when you took the plunge, ordering your HCG Supplies? Often times the only difference between someone who follows through with their goals and someone who doesn’t is the purpose behind it. Perhaps you witnessed health issues in friends and family members; issues related to lifestyle and food choices that have built up over many years. In that case, you might feel as though you are staring at a future you want no part of. And so, eating 500 calories a day and following an HCG Diet plan seem like a small trade off in the long run. Alternatively, you just might want to look better in your clothes! Maybe you participated in the recent 10 year Social Media Challenge. The one where you posted a picture of yourself ten years ago, compared with how you look today. You might have thought, what happened? Whatever your motivation, reinforce it with your WHY.

Your Body Responding to Change.

As good as positive change is for our bodies, be prepared to drag it kicking and screaming all the way to a healthier you. If you are following the 500 calorie a day diet, reducing your sugar or carb intake, or perhaps brand new to exercise, your body is probably going to protest! Be prepared to feel more tired than usual, possibly more irritated. While these things don’t exactly feel great, you are literally eliminating toxic sugars, additives, and other non-nutritious elements from your body. Preparation and knowledge is your insurance against the temptation to quit. When the going gets tough; rest assured you are heading toward your goal. Now for the fun, statutory Legal Disclaimer: It goes without saying you should speak to your doctor beforehand regarding any medical issues needing to be addressed prior to your lifestyle change.

Your Support Network

Seek the support of others aiming for the same or similar goals as you. Social media is a great tool for this. Check out Meet Up groups in your area. The right support can be critical to long term success, especially those following a 500 calorie restricted diet or the HCG Diet.


We love our families and close friends, but they are not always the best source of support. Perhaps they have witnessed you taking a similar journey several times before, only to wipe out by February. Other family members, not understanding how a restricted calorie diet works may be critical of your weight loss goals. Still others, content with the lifestyle and food choices you are attempting to move away from may try reeling you back in with tempting treats and beverages.

Exercise During an HCG Diet Plan

Exercise is great. It releases endorphins, can make your skin glow and just generally make you feel great! All those are good things. However, those who have either never committed to a long term exercise program or who engage in 500 calorie per day diet plans such as the HCG Diet should carefully plan their work outs in advance.

Slow and Steady

For exercise newbies, it is important to give those muscles a gentle awakening through exercise programs like yoga and pilates. Remember earlier we discussed how much our bodies love to rebel when we try to do something beneficial in the long term? Well, exercise is one of those triggers. If in doubt, speak to a fitness professional who can help chart an appropriate work out plan designed to gradually and safely increase physical challenges as your fitness levels improve.

Exercising on 500 Calories

Even those used to exercising at a relatively high intensity and fitness level should begin slowly. An essential part of the HCG Diet plan is the calorie restriction. Intense exercise requires increased fuel to the muscles; in other words, more food! Once again, if unsure take advice from a fitness professional. As a general guide, you don’t have to skip the gym with your friends after work. Maybe now is the time to take that yoga or stretch class. Give your muscles a chance to recover from previous bouts of intense activity, in addition to adjusting to new food intakes currently imposed upon it.

A New Activity, a New Mindset

Any lifestyle change can be tough at first. Take the pressure off by learning a new activity! If you are looking forward to trying that new Tai Chi class in town, or that adult ballet class you have been curious about, now might be the time to try. Science has demonstrated that new activities create new neurological pathways as we study, learn and engage. The simple act of concentrating on a brand new activity may make us less likely to dwell on food or restricted calorie intake.

Get Your Rest

Tired? Get some rest! There are no medals for wearing yourself out. An effective workout plan includes recovery time. Avoid over fatigue and injuries by taking days off. Maybe you plan alternate days of walking the neighborhood for an hour with a pilates class.

Reward yourself

Now that you are beginning to see and feel the physical benefits of your HCG Diet and 500 calorie per day restriction, reward yourself! Nope. Sorry, not the cake! Perhaps a nice new set of cute underwear! Maybe a new, wow outfit for work, guaranteed to make people notice just how much weight you have lost. Maybe that new facial or skincare routine you have been wanting to try. After all, you are making a holistic investment in yourself! Whatever it is, do it! You have earned it!


Track your progress with a journal; either private or public blog posting with videos. It is up to you to decide. This is your journey. You get to choose how much you are comfortable sharing. Chances are, you may not see the incremental changes occurring at first. Over time, however, you will. Take hip, waist, chest measurements and so on, before you start your journey, then again at six week intervals. Compare the numbers. If you have stuck to your goals in the best way possible for you and your starting point, you will be amazed at the changes taking place. That can literally be the difference between continuing or reaching for a plate of white pasta.

Make it Fun

Remember, make it fun. This is your journey and no one else’s. Make a list of all that motivates you…and just go for it.

See you on the beach!

Visit HCGSupplies.com to begin.

HCG Hormones and Your Weight Loss Regimen

Referred to as HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is a hormone. The basic function of this hormone is to nourish a fetus during the early stages of pregnancy. Our body produces HCG naturally from a component of the fertilized egg. However, synthetic HCG powder is made by extracting it from the pituitary glands of a pregnant woman. A wide range of HCG products are created by using this powder.

Dr. ATW Simeons, a British endocrinologist, first identified the connection between HCG and weight loss. He suggested that this hormone renders unbelievable results when it comes to losing an enormous amount of weight. Initially, only the injection form of HCG hormone was available in his protocol. However, at present numerous other forms like pills and drops have been formulated in an attempt to add more convenience to the consumer.

Comparing the Effectiveness of HCG Injections with Drops and Pellets

While differentiating between the efficacy of injections, pellets, and drops, it is essential to know the procedure and steps associated with each of these methods. As far as HCG injection is concerned, it is usually injected into the abdominal area. Nevertheless, upper arm, buttocks, or thigh are some of the other places where you can inject the dose. Any minimal side effects felt eventually minimize after a few hours.

Using drops and pellets appears to be a relatively simple process. However, it is not as effective as the injections. Since you need to place them beneath your tongue, chances are there that you may not absorb the complete dosage. This may happen when you drink something within a few minutes of taking HCG pellets or drop or even if you do not hold them under your tongue for a long enough period of time. This is considered as the major drawback of HCG drops and pellets. In fact, the dose takes some time to completely dissolve and enter into the bloodstream. Hence, it is advised to stick with injections for the most effective HCG protocol possible.

As a whole, each of the above-mentioned methods of administering HCG can seem to have their plus points. Some people are comfortable with the drops and pellets. Others who are determined to lose their weight quickly prefer the tried and true method of injections.

VITAMIN B12: An Essential Component of HCG Diet

The Vitamin B12 supplement plays a pivotal role to enhance the efficiency of the HCG diet. This is the reason Vitamin B12 is sometimes sold along with HCG kit. During weight loss protocol, it is consumed in a liquid form. Although there are numerous health benefits associated with this vitamin, its positive impacts as a part of the HCG diet are simply amazing. Vitamin B12 enhances the absorption of HCG and provides desired results within less anticipated time. Apart from this, Sublingual Vitamin B12 is observed to provide an extra boost, which some people require to sustain perfect physical and mental health, while following the strict HCG diet protocol.

Things to Consider while Purchasing the HCG Hormone

Since different companies manufacture HCG hormone, there are various brand names available in the market. Some of the leading brands include Corion, Ovidac, and HuCoG. We have found most of the brands to be essentially equal in effectiveness on the HCG Diet Protocol. Hence, you should try and experiment, as to what brand works best for your body. Besides this, the most essential aspect while purchasing the HCG supplies is to look for a trusted provider.

Buying HCG is not a big deal, as there are various options including pharmacies (require a script from your doctor) and online providers. Make sure to do your research prior to choosing a product. By doing so, you can find the best product suited to you both in terms of price and quality.

Following are the aspects that you should keep in mind before purchasing HCG hormone.

Quality and Quantity: Both the quality and quantity of HCG hormone should be your concern. Look for superior quality pharmaceutical powder composed of HCG in pure form.

Dosage Information: The product must offer clear information, as for how to administer the dose. This will ensure that you get the best possible outcome after taking the required amount of this hormone.

Avoid HCG-free Drops: If you are thinking about choosing the homeopathic version, make sure that the product contains actual HCG hormone, as in most of the cases, these drops are HCG-free. They even brag about the fact that they contain no HCG hormone like that is actually a good thing. This really means that you wouldn’t get the desired results with this type of product.

Specific Diet Information: In fact, if you don’t follow a particular diet plan while taking HCG, it would not yield any positive results for your weight loss regimen. So, choose only such a protocol, which provides specific diet information. The company must share all the details regarding what foods you can eat and what precautions to take. Something like the original HCG Protocol by Dr. ATW Simeons is a long-time proven method.

Homeopathic Vs Pharmaceutical HCG Hormones

Pharmaceutical HCG comes in a powdered form. The solution is prepared by mixing the HCG powder with bacteriostatic water. The solution is then injected under the skin or intramuscularly as per the prescribed dosage in the protocol. For optimum results, you should know the recommended method of mixing the HCG powder and creating a solution that is right for you.

Homeopathic HCG is available in the forms of drops, pellets, and patches. It has been observed that homeopathic drops contain no HCG hormone. The only thing present in these drops is the memory of such a hormone. Although this type of medication works to some extent, scientists are still unable to explain the reasons for any such effectiveness.

Apparently, the method of injecting HCG appears to be difficult at first, but you will get used to it. In fact, HCG injections are the most effective method to administer HCG for the weight loss protocol. This is so, as you intake a measured amount of this hormone with each daily dose.

Keep your New Year’s Resolution with the HCG Diet

HCG Diet for Weight Loss

Have you struggled in the past trying to keep your diet resolution? HCG Supplies is here to help. When following the HCG Diet Protocol for weight loss, it is much easier to maintain your diet regimen. Lose up to 1 pound per day consistently with the HCG Diet Protocol. We’ve found no better solution to weight loss than the HCG Diet Protocol. HCG Supplies has all of your HCG Diet Protocol needs. Give it a try and experience the difference the HCG Diet Protocol can make for you.
Happy New Year to all dieters! You can do it!

A New Way to Look at Obesity

hcg weight lossThe U.S. has been battling obesity for a few decades. Currently, more than two-thirds of all American adults are considered to be either overweight or obese. It’s important to not only identify how this unhealthy weight gain occurs, but also what can be done to prevent it or at least combat it.

According to A.T.W. Simeons, M.D., the nature of obesity is much more complicated than previously known. Based on clinical observations, there is even a shift in the way we understand causes in obesity and weight gain. Because of this, the HCG weight loss program is becoming more popular. Here are the three main causes of obesity:

The Inherited Factor
The first thought when it comes to obesity causes is that it is passed on through genetics and begins at birth. Having a low diencephalic capacity would represent the inherited factor in obesity, which explains why siblings can have varying obesity levels.

Other Diencephalic Disorders
The second way obesity can be caused is the lowering of a previously high or normal fat-banking capacity. Diabetes, for instance, can result in the diencephalon trying too hard to sustain the necessary blood sugar levels and lead to obesity once the fat-banking capacity is reduced.

The Exhaustion of the Fat-Bank
Like being reduced, overusing the fat-bank capacity can result in obesity as well. When a normal fat center is drastically altered by an influx of food, obesity can be the immediate result.

Because obesity is so common in the United States, dieting has always been extremely popular. At any given moment in the country, for instance, approximately 50% of the entire population is attempting some form of diet.

HCG weight loss program has become a controversial yet popular form of dieting over the years. Contact HCG Supplies today if you want to learn more about combating obesity, learn about HCG shots, or how the HCG weight loss diet works.

DISCLAIMER: We are NOT doctors, and cannot give medical advice. We can only offer personal opinion and share experiences. Please seek the advice of a doctor or medical professional before starting any diet or weight loss program.

Combating Obesity: Understanding the HCG Diet

obesityAmericans have always struggled with obesity. Unfortunately, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults are currently considered to be overweight or obese. Losing all that excess weight is never as easy as it sounds, either. Some people simply have difficulty effectively shedding multiple pounds and keeping them off. Fortunately, that’s where the HCG diet comes in.

During the 1950s, as Americans continued to fight obesity and look for ways to effectively lose weight, Dr. ATW Simeons created the HCG diet. Thanks to Dr. Simeons, Americans toady have the option to use HCG weight loss strategies to get back down to a healthier size and feel much better about themselves.

If you or someone you know is struggling with obesity and wants to learn more about HCG weight loss, it’s best to understand Dr. Simeons’ plan and stick to it as much as possible.

Here is a general outline of Dr. Simeons’ HCG diet:

During breakfast, rather than eating a substantial and carb-induced meal, consider a much smaller meal to only cover the basics. Tea and coffee can be consumed in any amount but be sure to not add any sugar. Only a single tablespoonful of milk is allowed in any 24-hour period during the diet, too. You can, however, use Saccharin or Stevia as substitutes for cane sugar.

Lunch and Dinner
Lunch and dinner is where the bulk of the eating will take place during the HCG diet. If you are sticking to it and are serious about following it, you should only eat the following:

100 grams of either beef, chicken breast, lobster, crab, or shrimp. Be sure to remove all visible fat before you cook and weigh the meat raw.

Only one type of vegetable should be eaten. You can choose from either spinach, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, asparagus, fennel, chicory, chard, or red radishes.

Additionally, you can add either one bread stick or one piece of Melba toast. And can choose between an apple, a handful of strawberries, or one-half grapefruit.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: We are NOT doctors, and can NOT give medical advice. We can only personal opinions and share personal experiences. Please seek the advice of a doctor or medical professional before starting any diet or weight loss program.