How to Use HCG for Losing Weight: 3 Things You Should Know

How to Use HCG for Losing Weight 3 Things You Should Know

In a world where 95% of Americans have attempted to lose weight within the last five years, it’s no surprise that various weight loss methods have gained attention. One such method is the hCG diet. This diet combines a very low-calorie diet with the use of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone.

While this approach has long sparked interest, it’s crucial to understand the facts before diving in. In this blog post, we’ll explore three key things you should know about how to use hCG for weight loss. Let’s get started.

1. Harnessing the Potential of hCG Hormone

The hCG diet brings a fresh perspective to weight loss by considering the potential benefits of the hCG hormone. This hormone, usually present during pregnancy, is believed to offer some exciting possibilities for shedding excess weight.

hCG is thought to play a role in boosting metabolism and aiding in the utilization of fat stores. This means that when you introduce hCG into your weight loss journey, it might help your body become better at burning those stubborn fat deposits.

Though scientific agreement is still evolving, many people find hope in the idea that hCG could be a key player in their weight loss success. The notion that a natural hormone might give an extra nudge to their efforts adds a positive twist to the journey.

2. Embracing the VLCD Strategy

At the heart of the hCG diet lies the adoption of a very low-calorie diet (VLCD). This is a concept that entails consuming a significantly reduced number of calories. This strategy, combined with the use of the hCG hormone, is designed to facilitate effective weight loss by encouraging the body to tap into its stored energy reserves.

The VLCD component of the hCG diet involves consuming as few as 500 calories per day. This intake primarily consists of lean sources of protein and an assortment of vegetables. Carbohydrates and fats are limited in this diet.

The primary objective is to push the body towards utilizing stored fat for energy, leading to notable weight loss results for hCG patients.

3. Getting the Most Out of hCG

To make the most of the hCG diet, it’s crucial to adhere to the prescribed hCG hormone regimen. With your hCG injections, consistency is key.

While the potential benefits of the hCG diet are promising, it’s important to maintain a balanced approach. Consulting healthcare professionals ensures that you’re aligning the diet with your individual needs. Monitoring your body’s responses, staying hydrated, and obtaining essential nutrients are all fundamental aspects of a successful hCG diet experience.

Listening to your body’s cues is integral throughout your hCG diet journey. Pay attention to how you feel, both physically and emotionally. If you experience any unusual symptoms, it’s advisable to consult professionals to ensure your well-being.

4. How to Use hCG for Losing Weight

As you embark on your journey to shed those extra pounds, understanding how to use hCG and hCG injections effectively can provide you with an edge in achieving your weight loss goals. By integrating the potential benefits of the hCG hormone with a carefully managed very low-calorie diet (VLCD), you’re on a path that holds promise.

If you wish to learn more about how to use hCG injections to lose weight, your premier choice is HCG Supplies. Check out our range of products here.

Needle Safety: How to Properly Handle and Dispose of Needles

Needle Safety: How to Properly Handle and Dispose of Needles

Did you know that every year, around 600,000 to 800,000 needle stick injuries occur among hospital workers in the United States? Needle safety is a critical concern not just for healthcare professionals, but also for those administering injections at home, such as HCG injections.

This article provides easy-to-follow guidelines on how to handle needles and HCGsupplies safely, helping you avoid potential dangers. Remember, we are not doctors, and this information is based on personal experiences for educational purposes only.

Understanding the Importance of Needle Safety

Needle safety is crucial because improper handling and disposal of used needles can lead to serious health risks. Stick injuries can transmit infections like HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. By learning proper techniques for sharps handling and needle disposal, you can protect yourself and others from harm.

Safe Needle Handling Tips

Interested in how to ensure needle safety? Follow these simple steps while handling needles and syringes:

  • Never touch the needle’s sharp end
  • Always hold the syringe by its barrel
  • Don’t recap used needles as recapping can lead to accidental needle sticks
  • Use a one-handed “scoop” technique if you must recap a needle by placing the cap on a flat surface and slide the needle tip into the cap
  • Avoid bending or breaking needles as this can cause injury and make disposal difficult

Proper Sharps Handling and Storage

Managing your sharps correctly is an essential part of needle safety. Follow these guidelines for safe sharps handling:

  • Keep your sharps separate from other waste
  • Mixing sharps with regular trash increases the risk of injury
  • Store sharps in a puncture-resistant container
  • Sharps containers are designed to hold needles and other sharp objects safely
  • Label the sharps container clearly to alert others of its contents
  • Keep the sharps container out of reach of children and pets
  • Replace the container when it’s two-thirds full to avoid overfilling

Needle Disposal and Syringe Disposal Methods

Proper needle disposal and syringe disposal are vital for preventing injuries and maintaining a clean environment. Here’s how to dispose of needles and syringes safely:

  • Place used needles and syringes in a designated sharps container
  • Seal the container when it’s two-thirds full, following the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Contact your local waste management or public health department for disposal guidelines
  • Some areas have specific disposal sites or offer mail-back programs
  • Never place needles or sharps containers in regular trash or recycling bins

The Key to Staying Safe Around Needles

Needle safety is an essential skill for anyone using needles, such as those injecting HCG. By practicing safe needle handling, sharps handling, and proper needle disposal, you can avoid stick injuries and protect yourself and others from potential harm. It’s crucial to remember that we are not doctors, and this information is for educational purposes only.

If you’re looking for more resources on the HCG diet and what it can do for you, don’t forget to peruse the rest of our blog. You can also browse the range of HCG supplies we have to offer.

How to Safely Give Yourself a B12 Injection

How to Safely Give Yourself a B12 Injection

The Safest B12 Injection Sites on Your Body

Vitamin B12 plays many crucial roles such as assisting in the formation of red blood cells and helping your nervous system to function. It can be a key part of the HCG diet, and you may have decided to give yourself vitamin B12 injections.

But it’s crucial to know where the safest B12 injection sites are to avoid causing unnecessary discomfort. While you may already be used to administering your HCG diet injections, you’ll want to know the best ways to carry out vitamin B12 injections.

That’s why this brief post will discuss the most suitable injection sites for injecting B12 into your body.

While reading, please bear in mind that this article is not medical advice and is not written or posted by doctors. You should consult with a medical professional before starting any medication or diet program.

Preparing the B12 Injection Site

No matter which injection site you choose, remember to thoroughly clean the area with alcohol wipes at the start. You should also allow the site to dry before administering the injection. In addition, try to vary which injection sites you choose to avoid damaging the area.

Intramuscular B12 Injection Sites

Intramuscular injections mean you are injecting the vitamin directly into your muscle. These can be effective injection sites for B12 as it allows instant absorption because the muscles have a strong blood supply.

When giving intramuscular vitamin B12 injections, you can use the thigh, buttocks, or deltoid muscle on your upper arm. However, it can be tricky to self-inject into the buttocks or shoulder, and you may find it easier to use your thigh.

Subcutaneous B12 Injection Sites

When you perform a subcutaneous injection, your injections of B12 are given just below the surface of the skin. Some people consider this to be one of the best B12 injection sites, as it can be less painful and it may be easier to learn the technique.

The most common sites are the lower abdomen, thigh, and upper arm. This could give you more options, as it is easier to reach the first two sites. Although the absorption rate will not be as fast compared to intramuscular injections, you may find the extra convenience is worth it.

Contact HCG Supplies Today

You can give yourself vitamin B12 injections as part of your HCG diet if you have the right supplies and know how to find the proper B12 injection sites. It’s best to consult with a medical professional before you start using B12 injections and to ensure you are confident in your injection technique.

A trained professional can give you guidance and advice. You can then decide which are the best injection sites for your needs.

At HCG Supplies, we’ve been supplying HCG dieters since 2007 and have all the products you require in one place. Our high-quality HCG injection kits and low prices mean we’re a market-leading business with an ever-growing list of satisfied customers.

To discuss your HCG diet kit supply needs contact us today.

Where to Inject hCG: 4 Best Places (And How It’s Done)

where to inject hCG

The hCG diet is well-known for producing jaw-dropping results. On the hCG diet, you can expect to lose between one-half to one pound per day. This is contrasted with other diets on which one to two pounds of weight loss would be achieved over one week.

This amazing weight loss is because of two essential components. A controlled low-calorie diet and the all-important hCG injections. Like any iconic duo, it’s believed that one doesn’t work as well without the other.

If you’re thinking of beginning the hCG diet then you need to know how and where to inject hCG. That’s what this article is going to be discussing. Read on for all the important info.

A Bit About the hCG Diet

The hCG diet combines a low-calorie diet with hCG (or human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone injections. It’s believed that hCG can help to boost your fat-burning metabolism and stave off feelings of hunger.

The HCG diet is broken up into three separate phases. These are the loading phase, the weight loss phase, and the maintenance phase. In the loading phase, you’ll eat a lot of high-fat foods.

It’s in the weight loss phase where you’ll restrict your calories. Usually, you’ll be on a 500-calorie diet.

Where to Inject hCG

If you’re new to the hCG diet, the prospect of injecting yourself can be daunting. But with proper planning and preparation, it doesn’t have to be. This advice doesn’t come from a medical professional, so it’s always best to consult your doctor before administering injections yourself.

One thing to note is that there are two ways you can administer your injections: subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Each manner of injection has injection sites to which they are better suited. Also, repeatedly using only one injection site can cause damage to your skin, so it’s good to change it up.

1. Upper Thigh

The upper thigh is a popular area as it’s one of the easiest to reach. Either subcutaneous or intramuscular injections are suited to this injection site. Always wipe the site with an alcohol pad before your injection.

2. Lower Abdomen

The lower belly is another easy-to-reach place for an hCG injection. Subcutaneous injections are best for this area. This is because there’s usually a little more fat here.

3. Upper Arm

The upper arm can be a little more tricky to reach. Both subcutaneous and intramuscular injections will work here. You might need a trusted friend or partner to help you out with this one.

4. Upper Buttocks

Again, this is one that might require more than one set of hands, but it’s possible to do on your own with a little stretching. The upper and outer buttocks are a good spot for intramuscular injections. Injections here should be more toward the more muscular part of your outer buttocks near your hip.

The Best hCG Injection Sites

We hope that this guide will help you discover where to inject hCG, and ultimately achieve your weight loss goals. The hCG diet does require discipline and effort, but when you see the amazing results it’s all worth it.

If you’re looking for more resources on this diet and the things it can do for you, don’t forget to peruse our blog now. You can also browse the range of hCG diet equipment we have on offer.

How to Take HCG Diet Injections: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Take HCG Diet Injections: A Beginner's Guide

Did you know that the HCG Diet may cause rapid weight loss of up to between one and two pounds per day?

It’s no surprise therefore that the diet has been popular in recent years. But perhaps you’re unsure about how to take HCG shots. Then look no further.

In this guide, we’ll tell you what you need to know about how the diet works and how to take HCG shots.

What Is the HCG Diet?

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It’s a hormone that the body secretes naturally, but can also be taken by way of injection.

To follow the HCG diet, you should only consume 500 calories over 43 days, while taking HCG shots at the same time.

You’re allowed to consume two meals per day, both lunch and dinner. Every meal you eat should include one source of protein, one vegetable, and a piece of fruit. The main goal of the diet is fast weight loss.

How to Take HCG Injections

To experience the best results with the HCG diet, you’ll need to know how to take the injections correctly. Use this as your HCG diet injections guide.

Mixing HCG is integral to the process. Follow the steps below to ensure you mix properly.

Preparing to Mix HCG

First, you’ll need to have all your supplies ready. These include:

Ensure the area is sterile and set out all your supplies. Open your glass ampoule of HCG powder. Clean the top of the container that has the bacteriostatic water, along with an empty glass vial. Use an alcohol prep pad for cleaning.

Before mixing, you’ll want to tap the syringe to force the air bubbles to surface to the top of your syringe. Be sure to put pressure on the plunger, so that all of the air gets released. Try not to shake the mixture, allow it to mix naturally.

How to Mix HCG

You must get the dosage correct before you start using HCG shots. However, the amount you should take will be unique and specific to your needs. Use the amount based upon what you’ve been recommended to take by your doctor, or else on how hungry you feel. More is not always better. This dosage is not based on bodyweight.

Below are the recommended doses that are commonly used (international units):

  • 125
  • 150
  • 175
  • 200

Use the size of the vial of HCG powder to determine how much bacteriostatic water you’ll need. Here are some handy HCG Mixing Instructions.

Get Your HCG Mixing Kits Here

Here, we’ve explained how you can use HCG injections for weight loss. To benefit from them, you need to understand the steps laid out here on how to take HCG.

Home mixing kits make it easy for you to prepare your HCG shots. Reach out to us by phone or email for more information on how to buy your HCG mixing kits. As the first-ever company to offer them online, you know we’ve got you covered.

Order your HCG kits and get started on your journey to weight loss success.

How to Mix HCG

How to Mix HCG

Plenty of people are skeptical when it comes to HCG diet plans, but the plans appear to be effective when provided to people in the right doses. Whatever the case, people know to consult with medical professionals before making drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle.

Proponents of the plan say that it’s safe and effective at least in the short term. It can be confusing, though, for people jumping into the HCG diet plan for the first time.

For best results, it’s important to learn how to mix HCG properly. Consider taking a quick look at some guidance on the topic below.

How to Mix HCG: A Quick Look

Properly mixing HCG is the foundation for achieving your desired results. There are a few ways to do it, too. You can try to find a clinic in your area, or you can mix the substances yourself using HCG mixing kits.

If you’re set on doing it yourself, you’ll need some HCG weight loss supplies to get started. You’ll need HCG, bacteriostatic water, alcohol prep pads, sterile capped glass vials, large syringes, and needles.

It’s important to keep your working area as clean as possible. Also, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with paper towels.

HCG Mixing Steps

First, lay out all the materials for your HCG diet in a sterile environment. Next, open a glass ampoule of HCG powder by first cleaning its top, and then snap it away from the body. Clean the rubber top of the bacteriostatic water and a separate sterile glass vial with an alcohol pad.

There are many ways to mix the HCG. We suggest following the HCG Mixing Directions and HCG Dosage Chart on this page. Do not shake the contents, as they will mix on their own.

It’s important to note that, before any injection, you need to prepare accordingly and let the air bubbles rise to the top of the syringe. Also push the stopper until all air is out of the syringe.

These are the basic steps for prepping your mixture. It’s important to follow up with the dosage for your specific plan.

HCG Mixture Dosage

HCG mixing amounts can vary for each person. More is not always better. Some people do better on the lower dosages, even larger people. These are typically individualized plans, so you need to alter the dosages based on the recommendations you received or your own feeling of hunger. Here’s a look at the common numbers for daily dosages of HCG:

  • 125 iu
  • 150 iu
  • 175 iu
  • 200 iu

The mixing amounts of Bacteriostatic water will depend on the ampoule size of HCG you have. The daily dosages also determine how many days of injection yield they’ll provide.

Mixing HCG

While it’s relatively easy to learn how to mix HCG, you might want to turn to HCG mixing kits instead. They provide all the supplies you need and can be tailored to your specific diet plan. However, mixing on your own isn’t as complicated as it might seem.

It’s important to consider the risks that each step can present and, more importantly, to consult with a medical professional before getting started.

Reach out if you’re interested in getting started. We have all of the HCG Supplies you will need to get started.

Insulin Needles: Everything You Need to Know

Insulin Needles: Everything You Need to Know

Over 35% of people in the United States struggle with obesity. An additional 32.5% of Americans are overweight. With more than two-thirds of the United States population struggling with their weight there has to be a simpler solution- thankfully there is one.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections have been known to help burn unwanted fat. The biggest barrier to utilizing HCG as a fat-burning tool is managing the injections.

In order to ease the needle injection process, people have begun using insulin needles to administer HCG. Keep reading to learn more about insulin needles and how to inject yourself with HCG.

How to Administer HCG with an Insulin Needle

With a subcutaneous needle, you can inject your HCG on the go. A syringe is a hollow tube with a plunger on one side and a needle on the other. Users will draw the HCG out of a vial with a syringe and then inject it into the body.

It is best to find an injection site that has some fatty tissue on it. When injected, HCG needs to go into the fat under the skin. When doing a body injection, you need to pinch the skin and put the needle in at a 45º angle.

As you push the needle into the skin, you can let go of the pinched skin. Slowly push down on the plunger to push the HCG into your system. To prevent leaks, you should leave the syringe in place for 5 seconds before pulling the needle out.

Insulin Needle Thickness

The factor that best differentiates needles is the thickness of the needle. A needle’s thickness is measured in gauge rather than millimeters or inches. By picking the right needle or syringe size, you can minimize pain and avoid scar tissue buildup.

The different syringe sizes are helpful when administering different doses. Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections require different needles. Intramuscular injections are absorbed faster because muscle tissue has a greater blood supply than tissue right beneath the skin.

The higher the needle gauge, the thinner the needle. If you need to inject large doses of HCG, you will want a slightly lower gauge number. This will allow more HCG to enter the body more quickly with a single injection.

Best Needle Injection Practices

You will quickly grow accustomed to giving yourself HCG injections. Whether you are new to injections or not, here are some best practices for insulin needle injections.

  • Make sure to use a new syringe and needle every time
  • Rotate your injection sites
  • Hold for a few seconds to reduce leakage

By following these best practices, you can lower your chances of infection and leaks. Injecting HCG should go quite smoothly once you grow accustomed to it.

Use Insulin Needles to Lose Weight

Getting rid of stubborn body fat can be extremely liberating. Thankfully insulin needles make it easier to administer your HCG. Contact us for more information on syringes and HCG.

What Is HCG Hormone for Weight Loss?

hcg hormone

Tired of trying a new fad diet every week and not seeing results from any of them?

If so, why not try a diet that works with your body’s hormonal processes, instead of against them?

That’s the basis of the hCG diet. Balancing an effective diet with calibrated supplements of hCG hormone can be the weight loss kickstart that you’ve always needed.

Want to learn how hCG hormone works for weight loss? Read this guide. We’ll explain the hCG weight loss program, what role the hCG hormone plays, and how to use hCG hormone safely.

How Does HCG Hormone Help Weight Loss?

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), often known as the “pregnancy test hormone,” is a hormone most commonly produced in pregnancy.

However, like all hormones, it has multiple effects on body tissues that can impact the body in many different ways. That’s why hCG injections are used in both men and women to rectify hormonal imbalances.

So what happens when you eat only 500 calories per day for up to 8 weeks, while simultaneously taking hCG injections?

Proponents of the hCG weight loss diet say that the right low-calorie diet, combined with hCG injections, gives your metabolism a boost. This allows your body to burn fat for your caloric needs while reducing hunger pangs and other side effects of a low-calorie diet.

HCG Injections

To balance out your low-calorie hCG diet, you’ll need a high-quality hCG hormone to give you the hormonal boost to burn calories and lose pounds.

Supplements come in all shapes, sizes, and preparations, but unfortunately, they’re not regulated by the FDA. That means that the pills, tablets, and sprays that are available for purchase don’t necessarily contain any hCG, so they might not have the weight-loss properties you’re looking for.

On the other hand, hCG injections use a precise dosage of powdered real hCG hormone, which you mix with medical-grade bacteriostatic water in a sterile hcg storage vial. This gives you more control over when and how much hCG hormone your body absorbs.

To stay safe, you’ll need to create your injectable hCG preparation with sterilized medical equipment. This includes bacteriostatic water, which has 0.9% benzyl alcohol added as a preservative. The FDA recommends bacteriostatic water as the standard solvent for all medical injections.

In addition, make sure you purchase all the other necessary medical equipment that you will need to safely inject your hCG preparation. This includes alcohol wipes to clean your skin before injecting and extra syringes with needles for mixing. You’ll also need a sterile vial to mix the powdered hCG with your solvent.

To save on the costs of medical supplies, find a retailer that offers a bundle deal on hcg mixing and injection kits and all these medical supplies including Bac-water.

Use HCG Hormone for Weight Loss

If you’ve made many attempts at losing weight and none of them have worked, you might find that the hCG hormone gives you the metabolism boost you need.

Are you looking to get started with the hCG diet today? Then check out our range of professional mixing kits, designed to let you reconstitute powdered hCG at home (hCG hormone sold separately – not included).

Bacteriostatic Water and its Use in HCG

Bacteriostatic Water Vials

What is Bacteriostatic Water?

Chances are if you are about to begin your journey with the HCG Diet Protocol you may be wondering what bacteriostatic water is, and why it is important to incorporate it into the HCG hormone delivery.

Simply put, bacteriostatic water is water specially cleaned or filtered for the purpose of medical use. Completely sterile, it contains 0.9% Benzyl alcohol designed to prevent the formation of microbes developing in what is basically a carrier solution for the administration of the injectable hormone, HCG.

It goes without saying that injecting any substance using contaminated water solution will lead to major medical problems. Purchasing your bacteriostatic water from a reputable online source, equipped with updated information, such as HCG Supplies will ensure you are injecting a clean solution.

What Does it Look Like?

Typically arriving in a flip-top plastic vial, bacteriostatic water is not pressurized. With a typical shelf life around 1 year to 18 months unopened; it should be immediately refrigerated after opening, with the remainder discarded after 28 days.

Can I Use Sterile Water instead of Bacteriostatic Water for HCG?

While sterile water can be great for some things, bacteriostatic water is the most recommended means with which to transport the hormone into your system. Sterile water is for mixing a single dose to be injected all at once, since it has no bacteriostatic properties. Bacteriostatic water can be used to mix a multi-dose mixture to be used for up to 28 days.

Safety First

Most likely, you will be administering your HCG hormone shots at home in a nonclinical environment. Sterile water, while on the surface, should suffice; it is only sterile until a foreign micro-organism is introduced into the solution.

In plain terms, we cannot see micro-organisms with the naked eye. The cat dander, the dust mites in the bedroom from dog hair. That sneezed into tissue your six-year-old left on the kitchen table. All the daily activities and incidentals that we don’t even think about that take place at home, would never take place in a doctor’s office.

So, at home, sterile water is subjected to too much risk of contamination. Bacteriostatic water, however, containing benzyl alcohol makes for a better choice, especially for use at home when using a mixture intended for multiple injections.

Bacteriostatic Water Close Up

Cleaned and sterilized, any microrganisms are removed from the water, rendering it sterile. At this point, the 0.9% blending of benzyl alcohol is introduced, Thus completely sanitizing the water and protecting it from the growth of bacteria.

Administering the Bacteriostatic Water:

With an alcohol pad, wipe the rubber stopper on the empty mixing vial, the HCG medication vial, and the Bacteriostatic Water vial. Check to make certain any use-by dates are still good on both the HCG and the Bacteriostatic Water.

If in any doubt, DO NOT USE!

Next, slowly draw back the plunger on the mixing syringe until the volume of air drawn into the mixing syringe rises to the volume of water to be withdrawn from the Bacteriostatic Water vial.

Inserting the mixing needle into the top of the Bacteriostatic Water vial, introduce the air from the mixing syringe into the Bacteriostatic Water vial. Finally, withdraw the mixing needle from the Bacteriostatic Water vial.

Next, with the empty mixing vial, insert the mixing needle, you can now withdraw the amount of equivalent air to the measure of Bacteriostatic Water you wish to infuse into the empty mixing vial. This may sound complicated at first, however, the experience will teach you what the correct amounts look like. Additionally, you should also check out further how-to information available on your HCG Supplies website.

Now you are ready to withdraw the mixing needle from the empty mixing vial. Both vials should now be pressurized and arranged to exchange the liquids more effectively.

Preparing for the Injection

Utilizing the mixing syringe, insert the mixing needle into the Bacteriostatic Water vial and withdraw the intended volume of Bacteriostatic Water. Withdraw the mixing needle.

Insert the mixing needle into the HCG medication vial. Infuse a limited quantity of Bacteriostatic Water to reconstitute the powdered HCG. It doesn’t make a difference precisely the amount Bacteriostatic Water that you infuse here – 0.5 ml is fine. The powder dissolve right away.

Invert the HCG medication vial and withdraw every drop of liquid into the syringe. In order to recover the majority of HCG hormone into the syringe, make sure the tip of the needle is practically even with the rubber stopper. Withdraw the mixing needle.

Insert the mixing needle into the vacant mixing vial and infuse the majority of the liquid into the unfilled mixing vial. Withdraw the mixing needle. Presently your solution is blended for injections.

Discard all waste in an appropriate waste repository, notably a receptacle suitable for sharps, or needles. Keep away from all pets and children. Do not reuse needles. Discard the Bacteriostatic Water and the blended solution around 28 days later.

Each time you do an injection, make a point to clean the top of the mixing vial and the injection site with an alcohol pad. Utilizing another injection syringe each time you inject will help maintain a sterile and safe injection.

Draw back the plunger on your injection syringe until the volume of air approaches the volume of the solution you intend to inject. Insert the needle into the mixing vial and inject the air into the mixing vial. Invert the mixing vial and withdraw the volume of solution that you intend to inject. Withdraw the needle from the mixing vial. Hold the needle pointing upward and tap on the syringe barrel until any air bubbles have ascended to the top of the syringe. Push on the plunger to oust all air from the syringe. At this point, you are prepared to inject.

Again, discard all waste in the appropriate container, preferably one suitable to house sharps.

Performing this procedure correctly and in the most sanitary way possible is important for the success of the HCG Diet Protocol. Speaking with your primary care physician, you may be able to arrange daily visits to your doctor for the injections to be professionally administered. Alternatively, if you feel comfortable performing the injections yourself, you may do so. Making sure, instructions are meticulously followed can help you achieve a successful outcome.

The Skinny on HCG Side Effects

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. HCG helps to utilize the nutrients in the fat stores of our bodies. In this way nourishment is provided on demand whenever needed.

How it Works

Basically, HCG dieters follow a seriously high caloric feast the first two or 3 days of the HCG diet. This is the fun part. If you have been following these blogs, you know you can eat just about anything at all.

Total fun fest.

Pizza, burgers, hot dogs, potato chips, you name it.
It can be right there on the table.

No holds barred.

Then, things get serious.

Following the loading phase, during the next 3 weeks your caloric intake is a strict 500 calories per day.

Foods rich in sugar and starch must be avoided. Remember, simple starches contain sugar; or rather they convert to sugar. A fresh baked baguette, for example even topped with salad remains off limits.

During this phase you must take the HCG injections. HCG supplies will provide you with everything you need to administer the HCG hormone (purchased separately).

A Stabilization phase or Phase 3 reintroduces some of the foods cut from your diet in Phase 2.

During this phase you may discover some foods enjoyed before such as bread, pizza, dairy; you’re now sensitive to. Feelings of sluggishness and general moodiness may indicate that a reintroduced food or its ingredients are no longer right for your body.

Remember, you have essentially detoxed your body from additives including sugars, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, MSG, and simple starches.

Phase 4 is the phase where you will eat for life. So in other words, your new diet is now your lifestyle. During phase 3 you should have realized what foods work for you now and which do not.
But what if any are the side effects?

Preparation is Key

There is no denying that this weight loss program has worked wonders for many who have reported weight loss of between 15, 20 and even 30lbs during the three-week weight loss phase.

The use of HCG hormone is meant to maintain muscle mass and properly redistribute the body fat during the weight loss phase. HCG may also help to prevent loose and sagging skin from dieting. This is the benefit of the HCG hormone. Without the hormone, dieters may lose muscle mass in addition to fat, resulting in rapid weight gain after the program ends, even with a continued modified diet.

Muscle burns fat, so maintaining muscle increases the likelihood of maintaining weight loss after the program ends. This is particularly true with dieters following healthy food choices and continuing workout programs afterwards. Weight training is great because the anaerobic activity continues to boost metabolism after the workout has ended.

Cynics argue that weight loss has more to do with the calorie restriction and nothing to do with the HCG hormone. Those in favor of the founder, Doctor Simeons’ Protocol, argue the results and the benefit of the HCG program were suppressed by mainstream diet companies and researchers from around the 1970’s onwards. They suggest that today it is presented as an unconventional and new diet when in fact it has been around for over 60 years.

Clearly, there will be food cravings. It seems we are programmed to crave something we can no longer have. Tell a child not to eat the cookies before dinner, and you can bet from that moment, all the child thinks about is eating cookies before dinner even if they hadn’t thought about cookies all day!

This is not to suggest that you shouldn’t modify a busy routine. Nobody is suggesting your usual 3 hours a week Zumba. In fact, it is discouraged. What is recommended is gentle exercise. Additionally, nobody suggests tackling this diet while pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. Common sense should always win out.

Nutritional Deficiencies?

The misconception with HCG diet plan is nutritional deficiency. There are plenty of meal plans available. In fact, HCG Supplies offers a free download to help you with your diet plan.

The HCG diet even allows you to eat steak, shrimp, even lobster. What it does not allow you to do is to eat the entire cow, the entire lobster and an entire catch of shrimp.

So sure, if you’re used to loading your plate at every single meal, you may experience some hunger. Remember, for the health of your life, you are trying to retrain your brain to smaller portions, and a healthy approach to eating.

The HCG diet allows you to eat fruit and vegetables, even a few small crackers. The 500 calories are spread throughout the day with the injections taken at the same time each day. You are encouraged to drink plenty of water. You are also able to drink black coffee and unsweetened black tea.

Swinging Moods

Mood swings are another concern with critics of the HCG diet. But think of it this way. You are removing excess sugars and additives from your system. This may include alcohol, preservatives, and MSG. That can come as a shock to a body used to consuming those things regularly.

Some of those food and drink choices may have been a habit; they may even have been addictive.

Sugar, for example can be very addictive.

Think about that 2:00pm chocolate fix. Prior to starting the diet, you may not normally have eaten lunch, but you would have an afternoon chocolate bar. That is your habit. You don’t think of it as an addiction but, if you are dependent on it to get through the afternoon….

The same goes for the 5:00 o’clock wine and spirits when you arrive home after a crazy day at work. These routines become habits, potentially altering the brain chemistry.

Psychologically, if your attitude on the HCG diet is one of deprivation then our mood is going to bottom out even more. Attitude can really be everything.
Your HCG diet brain is rebelling. It is doing absolutely everything possible in order to survive.

We are hardwired to not like change. It keeps us safe. It keeps us warm. It maintains everything we know and trust.

It’s called survival.

So even though we want to eat healthy, even though we know we want to lose weight, even though our brain says, yes let’s do this, behind our back, it does everything it can to sabotage our efforts. Hence the mood swing as we reach for a treat that is no longer there.

Understanding the psychology can help us get through those moments. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, so long as you know why it’s there.
Remember, you are removing toxins and bad habits from the body.

Now, a disclaimer. If you have a history of depression, anxiety, or any other medical condition, consult with your doctor before embarking on this or any diet.

At the end of the day, where the real side effect is weight loss, and a healthy approach to nutrition and portion control, what is there to lose? The answer is pounds and inches.