How to Mix HCG

How to Mix HCG

Plenty of people are skeptical when it comes to HCG diet plans, but the plans appear to be effective when provided to people in the right doses. Whatever the case, people know to consult with medical professionals before making drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle.

Proponents of the plan say that it’s safe and effective at least in the short term. It can be confusing, though, for people jumping into the HCG diet plan for the first time.

For best results, it’s important to learn how to mix HCG properly. Consider taking a quick look at some guidance on the topic below.

How to Mix HCG: A Quick Look

Properly mixing HCG is the foundation for achieving your desired results. There are a few ways to do it, too. You can try to find a clinic in your area, or you can mix the substances yourself using HCG mixing kits.

If you’re set on doing it yourself, you’ll need some HCG weight loss supplies to get started. You’ll need HCG, bacteriostatic water, alcohol prep pads, sterile capped glass vials, large syringes, and needles.

It’s important to keep your working area as clean as possible. Also, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with paper towels.

HCG Mixing Steps

First, lay out all the materials for your HCG diet in a sterile environment. Next, open a glass ampoule of HCG powder by first cleaning its top, and then snap it away from the body. Clean the rubber top of the bacteriostatic water and a separate sterile glass vial with an alcohol pad.

There are many ways to mix the HCG. We suggest following the HCG Mixing Directions and HCG Dosage Chart on this page. Do not shake the contents, as they will mix on their own.

It’s important to note that, before any injection, you need to prepare accordingly and let the air bubbles rise to the top of the syringe. Also push the stopper until all air is out of the syringe.

These are the basic steps for prepping your mixture. It’s important to follow up with the dosage for your specific plan.

HCG Mixture Dosage

HCG mixing amounts can vary for each person. More is not always better. Some people do better on the lower dosages, even larger people. These are typically individualized plans, so you need to alter the dosages based on the recommendations you received or your own feeling of hunger. Here’s a look at the common numbers for daily dosages of HCG:

  • 125 iu
  • 150 iu
  • 175 iu
  • 200 iu

The mixing amounts of Bacteriostatic water will depend on the ampoule size of HCG you have. The daily dosages also determine how many days of injection yield they’ll provide.

Mixing HCG

While it’s relatively easy to learn how to mix HCG, you might want to turn to HCG mixing kits instead. They provide all the supplies you need and can be tailored to your specific diet plan. However, mixing on your own isn’t as complicated as it might seem.

It’s important to consider the risks that each step can present and, more importantly, to consult with a medical professional before getting started.

Reach out if you’re interested in getting started. We have all of the HCG Supplies you will need to get started.

3 Helpful Tips For Using Bacteriostatic Water Mixing Kits

3 Helpful Tips For Using Bacteriostatic Water Mixing Kits

Losing weight is a challenge that just about everyone struggles with at some time in life. Bacteriostatic water mixing kits are an excellent way to take HCG into your body. You are likely already aware that the bacteriostatic water, in itself, is not the key to weight loss but it is the medium in which to deliver HCG into your body in a safe and convenient way.

That said, using a mixing kit like this still requires that you inject the final mixture into your body, so you want to make sure you get the process right and do not open yourself up to the risk of infection. In this article, we will give you 3 helpful tips for using bacteriostatic water mixing kits, so that you can feel confident in what you’re doing.

1. Use an Alcohol Pad

Bacteriostatic water contains 0.9 percent Benzyl alcohol. The purpose is to ensure the fluid is sterile and safe for your body over multiple doses. We are used to the idea of using alcohol to sterilize and clean our hands, so it should come as no surprise that you should use an alcohol wipe when preparing your mix.

Use the sterile alcohol wipe to clean all the tops of the vials that you will be using. That includes the empty mixing vial, the bacteriostatic water vial, and the HCG vial. Once the mixing process is complete and you have already injected the solution into your body, repeat the cleaning process with another alcohol pad. Remember to clean the injection site on your skin with an alcohol pad before and after the injection too.

Remember to check the expiration dates and that you only have 28 days to use the bacteriostatic water after its first use. Stick to these rules and you should be fine.

2. Pressurize the Vials

This is all about avoiding the creation of a vacuum. It is helpful to note that both your bacteriostatic water vial and your mixing vial are already sealed. That is necessary in order to maintain a sterile environment.

However, if you try to draw a volume from either of these using a mixing syringe that is also sealed it will be very difficult as you have a vacuum present. Therefore you need to introduce air into both vials first.

You can do this by drawing air into your mixing syringe first, and injecting that into the Bacteriostatic Water vial because you will be removing fluid from this vial. The volume of air should equal the volume of fluid you intend to use. Remove an equal amount of air from the empty mixing vial because you will be adding fluid to this vial. Once you’ve properly ‘pressurized’ your vials, you are then ready for the actual mixing stage.

3. Reconstitute and Invert

The trick here is to insert the mixing syringe into the bacteriostatic water and withdraw the volume you intend to use for your solution. Then, using the same syringe inject just enough water into your HCG medication vial. This will reconstitute the HCG.

Next, invert the vial and withdraw the HCG solution back into your mixing syringe. At this stage, your mixing syringe will now contain all of the bacteriostatic water for your solution and the HCG. The final phase is to inject this into your mixing vial which will give you your complete solution ready for injection.

Start Using Bacteriostatic Water

In this article, you’ve read about 3 tips for using bacteriostatic water mixing kits. At first, it may seem a little complicated and even scary. However, with the right hygienic process and following these tips, you will see it is safe, and a highly effective way of delivering HCG into your body.

Once you’ve mastered this process and the HCG Diet, you will soon start to see the benefit of using HCG. You can read more helpful articles about HCG and bacteriostatic water on our site. When you are ready, you can find Bacteriostatic Water online here.

What should I order?

Customers always have questions about what to order. has created an Easy Ordering Guide, but to make it even easier, we’ll give you the “broad strokes” guide.


So, now that we’re clear…

Start with the amount of HCG you need. You can use the Easy Ordering Guide to find out the exact amount you need, but if you just want to estimate:

  • 23 Day Round – 5,000iu HCG
  • 43 Day Round – 10,000iu HCG

Now, decide how often you want to mix. (Yes, this matters.) Do you want to mix your HCG every few days (for a fresher mix), or once or twice throughout the diet (for more convenience).

  • Mix more often – order your HCG in 1,500iu or 2,000iu quantities
  • Mix less often – order your HCG in 5,000iu or 10,000iu quantities

Simple, right? Now onto the kit. This is the easiest yet.

Just find the kit that matches how you’ve ordered your HCG. For example…

If you are doing a 23-Day round, and you’re ordering your HCG in 1,500iu or 2,000iu quantities, then you’ll want

23-day mixing kit used with 1,500iu or 2,000iu HCG (HCG NOT Included)


Here’s the other mixing kits, for your reference:

23-day mixing kit used with 5,000iu or 10,000iu HCG (HCG NOT Included)

43-day mixing kit used with 1,500iu or 2,000iu HCG (HCG NOT Included)

43-day mixing kit used with 5,000iu or 10,000iu HCG (HCG NOT Included)

That’s it! 🙂

If you have any questions, give us a call: 703-859-9303.