A Quick Guide on Where to Buy Insulin Syringes

A Quick Guide on Where to Buy Insulin Syringes

Early this year, the President limited the cost of insulin for Medicare recipients. This lowered the price of insulin from more than $90 per vial to just $35 per vial.

Insulin syringes aren’t used solely for insulin. They can be used for a few different things. One use is to inject Human chorionic gonadotropin, often known as hCG.

Many men use hCG to increase their testosterone levels and increase their fertility. Others use it when dieting. Those prescribed hCG often find themselves wondering where to buy insulin syringes.

We can help. We sell a wide array of hCG supplies on our site. Please remember that we can’t give you hCG.

Needle Size

The first thing to know when buying syringes from our site is what needle size to use. We’ve all seen jokes on TV about needles, and the jokes usually involve needles being needlessly long. While some needles are longer than others, most tend to be small.

The largest types of insulin syringes are half-an-inch long. The size and shape of a hypodermic needle depend on what it’s injecting. Doctors use shorter needles to reach tissues just beneath the skin (subcutaneous).

The thickness of syringe needles is related to the type of the liquid in them. For hCG you won’t need a thick needle. Doctors recommend between a 31 gauge and a 28 gauge, both of which are quite thin.

Staying Clean

Knowing where to buy insulin syringes is only half the battle. You also need to know about sterile water and bacteriostatic water. Both are used in certain circumstances to dilute medicine, but they’re not the same.

Sterile water isn’t used in the hCG Diet, but bacteriostatic water is. Bacteriostatic water lasts for much longer than sterile water, often posing no risk of infection for about a month after you open it.

You shouldn’t go on the hCG diet if you’re pregnant.

Consult a Doctor

We aren’t doctors. As a company, all we can share is personal experiences or the potential experiences of customers. We’re not qualified to say if the hCG diet is right for you.

Talk to your doctor. The hCG Diet can work, but you shouldn’t do it if your doctor advises against it. Be sure to ask any questions you can think of and follow their advice and instructions.

Please note that your doctor needs to prescribe the hCG anyway, so you’ll have to consult them sooner or later unless you locate your own source for hCG.

Where to Buy Insulin Syringes for the hCG Diet

Going on a diet that utilizes human chorionic gonadotropin can do wonders for your weight, but it’s not for everyone.

If your doctor gives you the green light, the next step is to purchase supplies. Those wondering where to find insulin syringes should visit our site.

Going on the hCG diet means that you will need to know how to safely use needles. We at HCGSupplies can offer some advice on this aspect.

How to Mix HCG

How to Mix HCG

Plenty of people are skeptical when it comes to HCG diet plans, but the plans appear to be effective when provided to people in the right doses. Whatever the case, people know to consult with medical professionals before making drastic changes to their diet or lifestyle.

Proponents of the plan say that it’s safe and effective at least in the short term. It can be confusing, though, for people jumping into the HCG diet plan for the first time.

For best results, it’s important to learn how to mix HCG properly. Consider taking a quick look at some guidance on the topic below.

How to Mix HCG: A Quick Look

Properly mixing HCG is the foundation for achieving your desired results. There are a few ways to do it, too. You can try to find a clinic in your area, or you can mix the substances yourself using HCG mixing kits.

If you’re set on doing it yourself, you’ll need some HCG weight loss supplies to get started. You’ll need HCG, bacteriostatic water, alcohol prep pads, sterile capped glass vials, large syringes, and needles.

It’s important to keep your working area as clean as possible. Also, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with paper towels.

HCG Mixing Steps

First, lay out all the materials for your HCG diet in a sterile environment. Next, open a glass ampoule of HCG powder by first cleaning its top, and then snap it away from the body. Clean the rubber top of the bacteriostatic water and a separate sterile glass vial with an alcohol pad.

There are many ways to mix the HCG. We suggest following the HCG Mixing Directions and HCG Dosage Chart on this page. Do not shake the contents, as they will mix on their own.

It’s important to note that, before any injection, you need to prepare accordingly and let the air bubbles rise to the top of the syringe. Also push the stopper until all air is out of the syringe.

These are the basic steps for prepping your mixture. It’s important to follow up with the dosage for your specific plan.

HCG Mixture Dosage

HCG mixing amounts can vary for each person. More is not always better. Some people do better on the lower dosages, even larger people. These are typically individualized plans, so you need to alter the dosages based on the recommendations you received or your own feeling of hunger. Here’s a look at the common numbers for daily dosages of HCG:

  • 125 iu
  • 150 iu
  • 175 iu
  • 200 iu

The mixing amounts of Bacteriostatic water will depend on the ampoule size of HCG you have. The daily dosages also determine how many days of injection yield they’ll provide.

Mixing HCG

While it’s relatively easy to learn how to mix HCG, you might want to turn to HCG mixing kits instead. They provide all the supplies you need and can be tailored to your specific diet plan. However, mixing on your own isn’t as complicated as it might seem.

It’s important to consider the risks that each step can present and, more importantly, to consult with a medical professional before getting started.

Reach out if you’re interested in getting started. We have all of the HCG Supplies you will need to get started.

The Ultimate Guide to Insulin Syringe Sizes

The Ultimate Guide to Insulin Syringe Sizes

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) can be given as intramuscular injections or subcutaneous injections. To make sure you are getting the proper dosage, you will need the right equipment. This means you need to do some research before buying your HCG supplies.

This guide will help inform you of the equipment you might need when preparing and injecting HCG. Read on to learn which insulin syringe sizes you’ll need for HCG preparation and HCG injections.

10 Milliliter (ML) Mixing Syringes

Our large mixing syringes hold up to 10 millimeters. They are essential for combining powdered HCG with bacteriostatic water to get the right liquid solution for the HCG injection. The 1.5-inch needle on the end of this syringe is used solely for the mixing process as it is large and would be very uncomfortable for injections.

Utilize safety procedures when combining medications such as HCG powder with bacteriostatic water to make a liquid solution.

3 Milliliter (ML) Injection Syringes

The 3 ml injection syringe can hold up to 3 ccs of fluid so it is ideal for a larger dosage and it has a needle on the end of it. These syringe/needle combos are ideal for intramuscular injections that occur in the thigh or shoulder because muscle tissue can hold a larger volume of medication and it has a greater blood supply traveling through it.

You don’t want to do an intramuscular injection with a needle that is too short or too long. This 3 ml syringe has a 1.25-inch needle on the end so that it is long enough to make it into the targeted muscle. The proper needle length also makes sure it won’t intrude on the underlying nerves and bone systems.

1 Milliliter (ML) Injection Syringes

The 1 ml injection syringe (also known as an insulin-style syringe) has a half-inch needle on the end of it. This syringe can handle up to 1 cc of fluid making it ideal for a small volume injection, such as insulin injections. The HCG dosages can be given as subcutaneous injections (injections given just below the surface of the skin) rather than into the muscle tissue.

Most people use insulin needles for HCG injections because these injections are self-administered. The tiny needle is quick, safe, and painless for anyone afraid to give themselves injections.

These little needles on the end of the syringe are virtually painless, and are less noticeable than an intramuscular injection. This makes them the easiest type of injection to handle.

Picking the Right Insulin Syringe Sizes

The different insulin syringe sizes are great for different dosages. You’ll have to do your research to determine which type of injection you will do: intramuscular vs subcutaneous. It all comes down to how comfortable you might be with needles. A tiny insulin needle will be easier to use if you have a phobia when it comes to needles and injections.

Contact HCG Supplies today for more information on the syringes you might need for HCG injections. Customer service and customer satisfaction is our first priority.

HCG Mixing Kits

There are many websites out there offering supplies for HCG. But the #1 Trusted and Original Source of the HCG mixing kits and supplies is HCGSupplies.com. We’re one of the only companies offering customizable kits – you can create the exact kit that is right for you! Quality products, custom ordering, great customer service, and fantastic prices!

And if you have not heard of Dr. Simeons and Kevin Trudeau’s fabulous HCG Weight Loss Cure then you have to check out HCG Supplies to see if this is going to be the right choice for you. And at this site you will be able to get everything that you need to help you lose that fat from your belly, thighs, hips and any other problem areas that you may have. Time to achieve your weight loss goals!

HCG Mixing Kits

If you are following the HCG diet there are definitely some supplies you need. The HCG mixing kits we carry are designed to provide you with the essential items that you will need to mix together the ingredients properly.

Our Mixing Kits include:

Injection needles/syringes, your choice of large (intra-muscular) or small (subcutaneous)

Empty mixing vials, your choice of clear or amber

Large needles and syringes for mixing

-Your choice of mixing solvent

Alcohol Pads

When you’re searching for supplies you want to be sure you get those of the highest quality from a reputable source and that’s us!