Bacteriostatic Water and its Use in HCG

Bacteriostatic Water Vials

What is Bacteriostatic Water?

Chances are if you are about to begin your journey with the HCG Diet Protocol you may be wondering what bacteriostatic water is, and why it is important to incorporate it into the HCG hormone delivery.

Simply put, bacteriostatic water is water specially cleaned or filtered for the purpose of medical use. Completely sterile, it contains 0.9% Benzyl alcohol designed to prevent the formation of microbes developing in what is basically a carrier solution for the administration of the injectable hormone, HCG.

It goes without saying that injecting any substance using contaminated water solution will lead to major medical problems. Purchasing your bacteriostatic water from a reputable online source, equipped with updated information, such as HCG Supplies will ensure you are injecting a clean solution.

What Does it Look Like?

Typically arriving in a flip-top plastic vial, bacteriostatic water is not pressurized. With a typical shelf life around 1 year to 18 months unopened; it should be immediately refrigerated after opening, with the remainder discarded after 28 days.

Can I Use Sterile Water instead of Bacteriostatic Water for HCG?

While sterile water can be great for some things, bacteriostatic water is the most recommended means with which to transport the hormone into your system. Sterile water is for mixing a single dose to be injected all at once, since it has no bacteriostatic properties. Bacteriostatic water can be used to mix a multi-dose mixture to be used for up to 28 days.

Safety First

Most likely, you will be administering your HCG hormone shots at home in a nonclinical environment. Sterile water, while on the surface, should suffice; it is only sterile until a foreign micro-organism is introduced into the solution.

In plain terms, we cannot see micro-organisms with the naked eye. The cat dander, the dust mites in the bedroom from dog hair. That sneezed into tissue your six-year-old left on the kitchen table. All the daily activities and incidentals that we don’t even think about that take place at home, would never take place in a doctor’s office.

So, at home, sterile water is subjected to too much risk of contamination. Bacteriostatic water, however, containing benzyl alcohol makes for a better choice, especially for use at home when using a mixture intended for multiple injections.

Bacteriostatic Water Close Up

Cleaned and sterilized, any microrganisms are removed from the water, rendering it sterile. At this point, the 0.9% blending of benzyl alcohol is introduced, Thus completely sanitizing the water and protecting it from the growth of bacteria.

Administering the Bacteriostatic Water:

With an alcohol pad, wipe the rubber stopper on the empty mixing vial, the HCG medication vial, and the Bacteriostatic Water vial. Check to make certain any use-by dates are still good on both the HCG and the Bacteriostatic Water.

If in any doubt, DO NOT USE!

Next, slowly draw back the plunger on the mixing syringe until the volume of air drawn into the mixing syringe rises to the volume of water to be withdrawn from the Bacteriostatic Water vial.

Inserting the mixing needle into the top of the Bacteriostatic Water vial, introduce the air from the mixing syringe into the Bacteriostatic Water vial. Finally, withdraw the mixing needle from the Bacteriostatic Water vial.

Next, with the empty mixing vial, insert the mixing needle, you can now withdraw the amount of equivalent air to the measure of Bacteriostatic Water you wish to infuse into the empty mixing vial. This may sound complicated at first, however, the experience will teach you what the correct amounts look like. Additionally, you should also check out further how-to information available on your HCG Supplies website.

Now you are ready to withdraw the mixing needle from the empty mixing vial. Both vials should now be pressurized and arranged to exchange the liquids more effectively.

Preparing for the Injection

Utilizing the mixing syringe, insert the mixing needle into the Bacteriostatic Water vial and withdraw the intended volume of Bacteriostatic Water. Withdraw the mixing needle.

Insert the mixing needle into the HCG medication vial. Infuse a limited quantity of Bacteriostatic Water to reconstitute the powdered HCG. It doesn’t make a difference precisely the amount Bacteriostatic Water that you infuse here – 0.5 ml is fine. The powder dissolve right away.

Invert the HCG medication vial and withdraw every drop of liquid into the syringe. In order to recover the majority of HCG hormone into the syringe, make sure the tip of the needle is practically even with the rubber stopper. Withdraw the mixing needle.

Insert the mixing needle into the vacant mixing vial and infuse the majority of the liquid into the unfilled mixing vial. Withdraw the mixing needle. Presently your solution is blended for injections.

Discard all waste in an appropriate waste repository, notably a receptacle suitable for sharps, or needles. Keep away from all pets and children. Do not reuse needles. Discard the Bacteriostatic Water and the blended solution around 28 days later.

Each time you do an injection, make a point to clean the top of the mixing vial and the injection site with an alcohol pad. Utilizing another injection syringe each time you inject will help maintain a sterile and safe injection.

Draw back the plunger on your injection syringe until the volume of air approaches the volume of the solution you intend to inject. Insert the needle into the mixing vial and inject the air into the mixing vial. Invert the mixing vial and withdraw the volume of solution that you intend to inject. Withdraw the needle from the mixing vial. Hold the needle pointing upward and tap on the syringe barrel until any air bubbles have ascended to the top of the syringe. Push on the plunger to oust all air from the syringe. At this point, you are prepared to inject.

Again, discard all waste in the appropriate container, preferably one suitable to house sharps.

Performing this procedure correctly and in the most sanitary way possible is important for the success of the HCG Diet Protocol. Speaking with your primary care physician, you may be able to arrange daily visits to your doctor for the injections to be professionally administered. Alternatively, if you feel comfortable performing the injections yourself, you may do so. Making sure, instructions are meticulously followed can help you achieve a successful outcome.

A New Way to Look at Obesity

hcg weight lossThe U.S. has been battling obesity for a few decades. Currently, more than two-thirds of all American adults are considered to be either overweight or obese. It’s important to not only identify how this unhealthy weight gain occurs, but also what can be done to prevent it or at least combat it.

According to A.T.W. Simeons, M.D., the nature of obesity is much more complicated than previously known. Based on clinical observations, there is even a shift in the way we understand causes in obesity and weight gain. Because of this, the HCG weight loss program is becoming more popular. Here are the three main causes of obesity:

The Inherited Factor
The first thought when it comes to obesity causes is that it is passed on through genetics and begins at birth. Having a low diencephalic capacity would represent the inherited factor in obesity, which explains why siblings can have varying obesity levels.

Other Diencephalic Disorders
The second way obesity can be caused is the lowering of a previously high or normal fat-banking capacity. Diabetes, for instance, can result in the diencephalon trying too hard to sustain the necessary blood sugar levels and lead to obesity once the fat-banking capacity is reduced.

The Exhaustion of the Fat-Bank
Like being reduced, overusing the fat-bank capacity can result in obesity as well. When a normal fat center is drastically altered by an influx of food, obesity can be the immediate result.

Because obesity is so common in the United States, dieting has always been extremely popular. At any given moment in the country, for instance, approximately 50% of the entire population is attempting some form of diet.

HCG weight loss program has become a controversial yet popular form of dieting over the years. Contact HCG Supplies today if you want to learn more about combating obesity, learn about HCG shots, or how the HCG weight loss diet works.

DISCLAIMER: We are NOT doctors, and cannot give medical advice. We can only offer personal opinion and share experiences. Please seek the advice of a doctor or medical professional before starting any diet or weight loss program.

Combating Obesity: Understanding the HCG Diet

obesityAmericans have always struggled with obesity. Unfortunately, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults are currently considered to be overweight or obese. Losing all that excess weight is never as easy as it sounds, either. Some people simply have difficulty effectively shedding multiple pounds and keeping them off. Fortunately, that’s where the HCG diet comes in.

During the 1950s, as Americans continued to fight obesity and look for ways to effectively lose weight, Dr. ATW Simeons created the HCG diet. Thanks to Dr. Simeons, Americans toady have the option to use HCG weight loss strategies to get back down to a healthier size and feel much better about themselves.

If you or someone you know is struggling with obesity and wants to learn more about HCG weight loss, it’s best to understand Dr. Simeons’ plan and stick to it as much as possible.

Here is a general outline of Dr. Simeons’ HCG diet:

During breakfast, rather than eating a substantial and carb-induced meal, consider a much smaller meal to only cover the basics. Tea and coffee can be consumed in any amount but be sure to not add any sugar. Only a single tablespoonful of milk is allowed in any 24-hour period during the diet, too. You can, however, use Saccharin or Stevia as substitutes for cane sugar.

Lunch and Dinner
Lunch and dinner is where the bulk of the eating will take place during the HCG diet. If you are sticking to it and are serious about following it, you should only eat the following:

100 grams of either beef, chicken breast, lobster, crab, or shrimp. Be sure to remove all visible fat before you cook and weigh the meat raw.

Only one type of vegetable should be eaten. You can choose from either spinach, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, asparagus, fennel, chicory, chard, or red radishes.

Additionally, you can add either one bread stick or one piece of Melba toast. And can choose between an apple, a handful of strawberries, or one-half grapefruit.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: We are NOT doctors, and can NOT give medical advice. We can only personal opinions and share personal experiences. Please seek the advice of a doctor or medical professional before starting any diet or weight loss program.

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