HCG Dosages and Dosage Charts

Many dieters ask: What is the correct HCG dosage  I should take?

Remember, our first advice would be to seek a medical professional for this kind of information.

There’s two “schools of thought” on figuring out which dosage of HCG is right for you: Dr. Simeons, who wrote the original HCG Protocol, recommends 125iu/day for almost everyone. Kevin Trudeau, who wrote a book about Dr. Simeons, recommends 175-200iu/day.

Some dieters feel that when using the subcutaneous injections, you should increase your dosage, usually an increase of 25-50iu/day. These dieters believe that some of the HCG is “lost in the dosing process” because it’s not going directly into the muscle, as Dr. Simeons suggested. (Subcutaneous means “just under the skin.” These are injections taken in the abdomen or upper arm, using our 28g x 0.5in x 1cc injection needle/syringe combos.)

Figuring out your dosage is important during the mixing process. This determines how much solvent to add to your HCG.  Which is why HCG supplies has a great dosage chart that you can use to help figure out all the details of your specific mixing situation.

If you’re still having trouble with dosing and the mixing process, give us a call at 703-859-9303. We can help you decide on the best dosage for your situation, and help you with “personalized” mixing instructions.

Always be sure to follow the directions in anything you may be taking!