Have you struggled in the past trying to keep your diet resolution? HCG Supplies is here to help. When following the HCG Diet Protocol for weight loss, it is much easier to maintain your diet regimen. Lose up to 1 pound per day consistently with the HCG Diet Protocol. We’ve found no better solution to weight loss than the HCG Diet Protocol. HCG Supplies has all of your HCG Diet Protocol needs. Give it a try and experience the difference the HCG Diet Protocol can make for you.
Happy New Year to all dieters! You can do it!
HCG Potency Strip
Wondering if your HCG is potent?
A great way to make sure that your HCG mixture has full potency is by using the HCG Potency Test Strips. This will help you ensure that you have a better success rate with Dr. Simeons Weight Loss program.
Now is the time to hurry up and start that diet so that you can look great in your summer wear. The HGC mixing kits are at great discounted prices now too and if you are following that HCG diet by Dr Simeons then the HCG mixing kits are a must have for success!
Best Value Mixing Kit
Trying to figure out which mixing kit is right for you? Still unsure about what you’ll need to get started? Check out our most popular kit:
43 day mixing kit, used with 5000iu or 10000iu HCG. (HCG NOT included.) It can be used with 5000 or 10000 IU HCG ampoules. (For the greatest flexibility in dosage size, you may want to go with one 10000iu HCG ampoule.) You can get the entire kit at a huge savings.
Now is the time to lose that extra weight and this site makes it so easy to find those products that will best help you out with this task. We’ve also got a great Customer Service line if you have questions, and want to talk to a “real person.” 🙂
What are HCG Mixing Kits?
A very popular question from individuals who are new to HCG dieting is: What are HCG Mixing Kits , and why do I need one? Is it required for Dr Simeons HCG Diet Protocol?
HCG is typically packaged as a dried, compressed powder that needs to be hydrated, and mixed to the right strength for injection. That’s where the mixing kits come in.
In these kits you will get all of the essentials you’ll need to hydrate and mix your HCG. What is great about these kits is that they are very affordable and you will get everything that you need: sterile needles/syringe combos, sterile capped empty HCG storage vials, large mixing syringes with needles for mixing HCG, alcohol wipes, and Bacteriostatic Water mixing solvent. You can also get useful HCG accessories like syringe filters and plastic ampoule breakers.
HCG Mixing Process
You can get 6 Large Syringes with Needles for the HCG Mixing Process. These needles and syringes are great for the mixing process, since they can transfer larger amounts of HCG liquid than the injection needles/syrignes.
If you are looking to lose those extra pounds then you may just want to look into Kevin Trudeau’s weight loss program. Wouldn’t it just be fabulous to lose those extra pounds before the summer months begin? You can fit in those summer shorts and outfits…and HCG Supplies can help!
HCG Gourmet Cookbook
Here what people are saying about the HCG Gourmet Cookbook…
“My husband loves the tacos and he’s not even doing this diet! These recipes make the diet so much easier and more enjoyable. I made the beef tacos tonight and they were SO GOOD!!! I could have eaten a truckload of them, though. That’s the only problem 🙂 Thank you for your hard work and for giving us exciting recipes to eat on the protocol. It is very much appreciated.”
HCG Coupons
Looking for coupons? Anyone like to save money? (Who doesn’t, right? 🙂 )
There are some great coupon codes going on at HCG Supplies!
Now you can lose weight and save money when you buy hcg supplies online.